
The ICeFileFilter::FilterOptions method displays a dialog box that lets the user select among the file filtering options supported by a file filter.


STDMETHODIMP ICeFileFilter::FilterOptions(

At a Glance

Header file: Replfilt.h
Platforms: H/PC
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


Specifies the handle of the parent window for the filtering options dialog box.

Return Values

If creating the options dialog box succeeds, FilterOptions should return NOERROR. If the function fails, FilterOptions should return an HRESULT error code.


A file filter that includes user selectable conversion options should implement an ICeFileFilter::FilterOptions method. Windows CE Services will call the filter's ICeFileFilter::FilterOptions method when the user selects a supported conversion type from the conversion selection dialog box and presses the Options button (not supported for Windows CE Version 1.0). FilterOptions should display a dialog box that lets the user select among the conversion options supported by the file filter.

Note that a file filter only needs to support the ICeFileFilter::FilterOptions method if the HasOptions named value exists in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\PegasusFilter key. For more information about file filter registry entries and extension keys, see Transferring Files.