Extended List View Styles

Extended list view styles supported by Windows CE are described in the following table.

Extended style Description
LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES Enables items in a list view control to be displayed as check boxes. This style uses item state images to produce the check box effect.
LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT Specifies that when an item is selected, the item and all its subitems are highlighted. This style is available only in conjunction with the LVS_REPORT style.
LVS_EX_GRIDLINES Displays gridlines around items and subitems. This style is available only in conjunction with the LVS_REPORT style.
LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP Enables drag-and-drop reordering of columns in a list view control. This style is only available to list view controls that use the LVS_REPORT style.
LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES Allows images to be displayed for subitems. This style is available only in conjunction with the LVS_REPORT style.

Use the LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE message or its corresponding macro, ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle, to set these extended styles, and use the LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE or its corresponding macro, ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle, to retrieve these extended styles.

Note These extended styles are not the same as extended window styles; you cannot pass them to CreateWindowEx when you create a list view control.