See file allocation table.
file allocation table (FAT)
A table that contains the status of various segments of disk space used for file storage. Also, the file system that maintains the table.
file filter
A Windows CE dynamic-link library (DLL) that controls the transfer of data between a desktop computer and a Windows CE-based device.
file system
In an operating system, the overall structure in which files are named, stored, and organized. A file system consists of files, directories, and the information needed to locate and access these items. The term can also refer to the portion of an operating system that translates requests for file operations from an application program into low-level, sector-oriented tasks that can be understood by the drivers controlling the disk drives.
file system application interface
A subset of the standard Win32 file system functions. These functions let you create directories and data files, read and write file data, and retrieve file and directory information.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
The protocol used for copying files to and from remote computer systems on a network using a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), such as the Internet. This protocol also allows users to use FTP commands to work with files, such as listing files and directories on the remote system.
A computer program that is saved in hardware (such as a semiconductor ROM) as contrasted with programs stored in volatile RAM.
flash memory
Semiconductor memory that can operate as ROM but, on an activating signal, can rewrite its contents as though it were RAM.
flash time
The elapsed time, in milliseconds, required to display, invert, and restore the caret display. This value is twice as much as the blink time.
focus window
The window that is currently receiving keyboard input. The focus window is always the active window, a descendent of the active window, or NULL.
foreground thread
The thread used to create the window with which the user is currently working.
foreground window
The window with which the user is currently working. The system assigns a slightly higher priority to the thread used to create the foreground window than it does to other threads.
free threading model
A model in which an object can be used on any thread at any time. See apartment model threading and single threading model.
See File Transfer Protocol.