- A file, directory, database, or database record that resides in an object store.
object ID
- See object identifier.
object identifier (object ID)
- 1. A unique value which identifies each object in the object store. 2. In reference to the Contacts database, an object identifier is a unique value that the system assigns to each address card when it is added. An application uses the object identifier when querying an address card's properties or when modifying or deleting an address card.
object store
- The persistent storage that Windows CE makes available to applications. For example, Windows CE reserves part of its available random access memory (RAM) for the operating system and uses the rest for the object store. This data can be stored in files, registry entries, or in Windows CE databases.
- See original equipment manufacturer.
OEM adaptation layer (OAL)
- That portion of Windows CE that must be provided by the hardware manufacture to adapt Windows CE to their platform.
- Object Linking and Embedding. See Automation.
option button
A small round button with a label next to it. The label may be text, an icon, or a bitmap. Option buttons, also known as radio buttons, are usually grouped together in a group box, representing a set of related, but mutually exclusive options. When a user selects an option button, all other option buttons in the same group are automatically unselected.
original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
- For Windows CE, an OEM is a company that manufacturers a hardware platform and ports Windows CE to that platform.
overlapped communication operation
- The performance of two distinct communication operations simultaneously, for example, a simultaneous read and write operation. Windows CE does not support overlapped communication operation, but does support multiple reads/writes pending on a device.
overlapped window
- A window with the WS_OVERLAPPED style. Overlapped Windows are top-level windows designed to serve as an application's main window.