Flash cards can be a useful method for transferring files and adding extra memory to an H/PC. This section outlines the method for accessing files on flash cards.
A flash card is assigned the folder name Storage Card on the H/PC. To create, copy, or delete files on the storage card, open the Storage Card folder and then create, copy, or delete files on it. A user accesses files on a flash card by double-tapping on the My Handheld PC icon, which brings up the Explorer window, and then selecting the Storage Card folder.
The following code example creates a file named Testfile under \storage card\testdir.
DWORD dwFileLen;
char szText[]="This is a test file.";
if (CreateDirectory(TEXT("\\Storage Card\\testdir"), NULL))
hFile = CreateFile(TEXT("\\Storage Card\\testdir\\test.txt"),
GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, //we need read and write access
FILE_SHARE_READ, //allow read access for others
NULL, //security attributes
CREATE_ALWAYS, //always create new file
0, //file attribute
WriteFile(hFile, szText, strlen(szText), &dwFileLen, 0);
The actual path for the flash card is \Storage Card, but due to the special character inside the quotes you need to assign the path as \\Storage Card.