Date and Time Picker Styles

Date and time picker styles supported by Windows CE are described in the following table.

Style Description
DTS_APPCANPARSE Allows the owner to parse user input. When a DTP control has this style, a user can make changes within the client area of the control by pressing the F2 key. The control sends a DTN_USERSTRING notification message when the user is finished editing.
DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT Displays the date in long format. The default format string for this style is defined by LOCALE_SLONGDATEFORMAT, which produces output like "Friday, April 19, 1996."
DTS_SHOWNONE Enables the control to accept "no date" as a valid selection state. This state can be set with the DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME message or verified with the DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME message.
DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT Displays the date in short format. The default format string for this style is defined by LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, which produces output like "4/19/96."
DTS_TIMEFORMAT Displays the time. The default format string for this style is defined by LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, which produces output like "5:31:42 PM." An up-down control is placed to the right of the DTP control to modify time values.
DTS_UPDOWN Places an up-down control to the right of a DTP control to modify time values. This style can be used instead of the drop-down month calendar, which is the default style.