Adding a Transport Service for Inbox

Using Inbox, a user has added the "Sample Transport Service" to the list of Installed Services. The service has been mapped to the MyMail key.

    To add a transport service for Inbox
  1. From Inbox, tap Compose, tap Options, tap the Services tab control, and tap the Add button to bring up installed services. Highlight the Sample transport service called "Sample Transport Service."
  2. Tap the OK button, and then type MyMail as a unique name for the selected service.

    The SvcKey value is the HKLM\PMail\ServiceLibs\SAMPLE subkey. Inbox uses this key to identify the name of the DLL to be loaded into memory when the desired service is connected. In this example, the DLL is Sample.dll.

  3. Finish making choices in the dialog box to define the service's properties appropriately and tap OK to close the dialog box.

    Inbox adds the MyMail subkey under HKLM\PMail\ServiceInfo that includes information and properties for the service. Note that these properties can be modified by the service's TransportProps routine, once the new service is connected.

  4. The SvcKey value is the HKLM\PMail\ServiceLibs\SAMPLE subkey. Inbox uses this key to identify the name of the DLL to be loaded into memory when the desired service is connected. In this example, the DLL is Sample.dll.

    Note The PMail key refers to the Inbox application.

The previous procedure could result in the following registry entries.

               REG_DWORD: CopyMaxLines = 0x32
               REG_DWORD: CopyAllLines = 0x0
               REG_DWORD: GrabRead = 0x1
               REG_DWORD: TypeOfGrab = 0x0
               REG_DWORD: SvcAutoDisco = 0x0
               REG_DWORD: NewMailNotify = 0x1
               REG_DWORD: RefreshTime = 0x5
               REG_DWORD: DoRefresh = 0x1
               REG_SZ: SvcAddrBook = Internet
               REG_SZ: SvcProfile = Direct
               REG_DWORD: SvcRemember = 0x1
               REG_SZ: SvcRtn =
               REG_SZ: SvcSMTPHost =
               REG_SZ: SvcPass =
               REG_SZ: SvcUser = thisuser
               REG_SZ: SvcPOP3Host = pop3svr-msg
               REG_SZ: SvcKey = SAMPLE
               REG_SZ: SvcName = Internet Mail
               REG_SZ: SvcLib = smtp.dll
               REG_SZ: SvcName = Sample Transport Service
               REG_SZ: SvcLib = sample.dll