The H/PC supports both keyboard and stylus input. It does not support a mouse, and therefore does not have hover capability. The H/PC keyboard layout resembles a standard desktop computer keyboard, but most H/PC keyboard devices do not include the following keys:
Note: Users can use SHIFT+BACKSPACE as a substitute for the DELETE key.
The H/PC supports the Windows key, but Microsoft does not require hardware platforms to include it. Therefore, avoid writing applications that require users to use keys that may not be supported.
When the user presses the stylus to the screen, the input focus moves to the object under the stylus. If the object is a button, it displays its pressed appearance. If the user moves the stylus off the control without lifting the stylus from the screen, the control returns to its original state. Moving the stylus back over the control while the stylus is still touching the screen returns the control to its pressed state. The command associated with the control is only activated if the user lifts the stylus from the screen while the stylus is over the control. If the stylus is not over the control when the user lifts it, no action occurs. If the user presses the stylus to the screen over an object that can be dragged, and then moves the stylus while still touching the screen, the object moves with the stylus.
The H/PC conventions for selection using a stylus are the same as the standard Windows conventions for selection using a pen or mouse. The H/PC supports standard drag-and-drop operations using the stylus. It does not support non-default drag-and-drop operations, however, which are the right mouse button drag-and-drop operations on desktop platforms.
The H/PC supports third-party, handwriting-recognition applications. If you support this functionality in your applications, see the Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design for implementation conventions.