Scrolling Menus

Some Windows CE-based platforms include scrolling menus. On these platforms, if a menu does not fit on the screen, Windows CE automatically adds scrolling arrows so users can scroll the menu up and down.

When the user cannot scroll any further in one direction or the other, the associated arrow is grayed. Pressing the up or down arrow will scroll the menu one item at a time. No menu item is highlighted while the user is scrolling. Changing the selection by using a keyboard arrow or keyboard mnemonic causes the newly selected item to scroll into view if it is not already displayed. If a menu has too many columns to fit the width of the display area, Windows CE ignores all column breaks and makes the menu a single-column scrolling menu.

If an individual menu item is too large to be drawn without being clipped by the up or down arrow, the item is not drawn at all. This may leave a large blank space next to an arrow.