Server Name Determination

How the client determines the name of the server and the relative name within the server is outside of the scope of this specification. However, just for expository purposes, here are three examples.

In the URL "file://", the client could take the part between the leading double slashes and the next slash as the server name and the remainder as the relative name -- in this example "" and "/users/fred/stuff.txt", respectively.

In the path name "\\corpserver\public\policy.doc" the client could take the part between the leading double backslashes and the next slash as the server name, and the remainder as the relative name -- in this example, "corpserver" and "\public\policy.doc" respectively.

In the path name "x:\policy.doc" the client could use "x" as an index into a table that contains a server name and a file name prefix. If the contents of such a table for "x" were "corpserver" and "\public", then the server name and relative name would be the same as in the previous example.