Access Mask Encoding


The ACCESS_MASK structure is one 32 bit value containing standard, specific, and generic rights. These rights are used in access-control entries (ACEs) and are the primary means of specifying the requested or granted access to an object.

The bits in this value are allocated as follows:

Bits Meaning
0 through 15 Specific rights. Contains the access mask specific to the object type associated with the mask.
16 through 23 Standard rights. Contains the object's standard access rights and can be a combination of the following predefined flags:

Bit Flag Meaning
16 DELETE Delete access
17 READ_CONTROL Read access to the owner, group, and discretionary access-control list (ACL) of the security descriptor
18 WRITE_DAC Write access to the discretionary access-control list (ACL)
19 WRITE_OWNER Write access to owner
20 SYNCHRONIZE Windows NT: Synchronize access

Bits Meaning
24 Access system security (ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY). This flag is not a typical access type. It is used to indicate access to a system ACL. This type of access requires the calling process to have a specific privilege.
25 Maximum allowed (MAXIMUM_ALLOWED)
26 through 27 Reserved
28 Generic all (GENERIC_ALL)
29 Generic execute (GENERIC_EXECUTE)
30 Generic write (GENERIC_WRITE)
31 Generic read (GENERIC_READ)