Primary Client Request =============================== |
Description ==================================== |
UCHAR WordCount; | Count of parameter words; value = (19 + SetupCount) |
UCHAR MaxSetupCount; | Max setup words to return |
USHORT Reserved; | |
ULONG TotalParameterCount; | Total parameter bytes being sent |
ULONG TotalDataCount; | Total data bytes being sent |
ULONG MaxParameterCount; | Max parameter bytes to return |
ULONG MaxDataCount; | Max data bytes to return |
ULONG ParameterCount; | Parameter bytes sent this buffer |
ULONG ParameterOffset; | Offset (from header start) to Parameters |
ULONG DataCount; | Data bytes sent this buffer |
ULONG DataOffset; | Offset (from header start) to data |
UCHAR SetupCount; | Count of setup words |
USHORT Function; | The transaction function code |
UCHAR Buffer[1]; | |
USHORT Setup[SetupWordCount]; | Setup words |
USHORT ByteCount; | Count of data bytes |
UCHAR Pad1[]; | Pad to LONG |
UCHAR Parameters[ParameterCount]; | Parameter bytes |
UCHAR Pad2[]; | Pad to LONG |
UCHAR Data[DataCount]; Data bytes |
Interim Server Response =============================== |
Description ==================================== |
UCHAR WordCount; | Count of parameter words = 0 |
USHORT ByteCount; | Count of data bytes = 0 |
Secondary Client Request =============================== |
Description ==================================== |
UCHAR WordCount; | Count of parameter words = 18 |
UCHAR Reserved[3]; | MBZ |
ULONG TotalParameterCount; | Total parameter bytes being sent |
ULONG TotalDataCount; | Total data bytes being sent |
ULONG ParameterCount; | Parameter bytes sent this buffer |
ULONG ParameterOffset; | Offset (from header start) to Parameters |
ULONG ParameterDisplacement; | Specifies the offset from the start of the overall parameter block to the parameter bytes that are contained in this message |
ULONG DataCount; | Data bytes sent this buffer |
ULONG DataOffset; | Offset (from header start) to data |
ULONG DataDisplacement; | Specifies the offset from the start of the overall data block to the data bytes that are contained in this message. |
UCHAR Reserved1; | |
USHORT ByteCount; | Count of data bytes |
UCHAR Pad1[]; | Pad to LONG |
UCHAR Parameters[ParameterCount]; | Parameter bytes |
UCHAR Pad2[]; | Pad to LONG |
UCHAR Data[DataCount]; | Data bytes |
Server Response =============================== |
Description ==================================== |
UCHAR WordCount; | Count of data bytes; value = 18 + SetupCount |
UCHAR Reserved[3]; | |
ULONG TotalParameterCount; | Total parameter bytes being sent |
ULONG TotalDataCount; | Total data bytes being sent |
ULONG ParameterCount; | Parameter bytes sent this buffer |
ULONG ParameterOffset; | Offset (from header start) to Parameters |
ULONG ParameterDisplacement; | Specifies the offset from the start of the overall parameter block to the parameter bytes that are contained in this message |
ULONG DataCount; | Data bytes sent this buffer |
ULONG DataOffset; | Offset (from header start) to data |
ULONG DataDisplacement; | Specifies the offset from the start of the overall data block to the data bytes that are contained in this message. |
UCHAR SetupCount; | Count of setup words |
USHORT Setup[SetupWordCount]; | Setup words |
USHORT ByteCount; | Count of data bytes |
UCHAR Pad1[]; | Pad to LONG |
UCHAR Parameters[ParameterCount]; | Parameter bytes |
UCHAR Pad2[]; | Pad to SHORT or LONG |
UCHAR Data[DataCount]; | Data bytes |