File Requests

NT_CREATE_ANDX: Create or Open File

This command is used to create or open a file or a directory.

Client Request
UCHAR WordCount; Count of parameter words = 24
UCHAR AndXCommand; Secondary command; 0xFF = None
UCHAR AndXReserved; Reserved (must be 0)
USHORT AndXOffset; Offset to next command WordCount
UCHAR Reserved; Reserved (must be 0)
USHORT NameLength; Length of Name[] in bytes
ULONG Flags; Create bit set:

0x02 - Request an oplock

0x04 - Request a batch oplock

0x08 - Target of open must be directory

ULONG RootDirectoryFid; If non-zero, open is relative to this directory
ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess; access desired
LARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize; Initial allocation size
ULONG ExtFileAttributes; File attributes
ULONG ShareAccess; Type of share access
ULONG CreateDisposition; Action to take if file exists or not
ULONG CreateOptions; Options to use if creating a file
ULONG ImpersonationLevel; Security QOS information
UCHAR SecurityFlags; Security tracking mode flags:
USHORT ByteCount; Length of byte parameters
STRING Name[]; File to open or create

The DesiredAccess parameter is specified in section 3.7 on Access Mask Encoding.

If no value is specified, it still allows an application to query attributes without actually accessing the file.

The ExtFIleAttributes parameter specifies the file attributes and flags for the file. The parameter's value is the sum of allowed attributes and flags defined in section 3.11 on Extended File Attribute Encoding

The ShareAccess field Specifies how this file can be shared. This parameter must be some combination of the following values:

Value Meaning
0 Prevents the file from being shared.
FILE_SHARE_READ 0x00000001 Other open operations can be performed on the file for read access.
FILE_SHARE_WRITE 0x00000002 Other open operations can be performed on the file for write access.
FILE_SHARE_DELETE 0x00000004 Other open operations can be performed on the file for delete access.

The CreateDisposition parameter can contain one of the following values:

CREATE_NEW Creates a new file. The function fails if the specified file already exists.
CREATE_ALWAYS Creates a new file. The function overwrites the file if it exists.
OPEN_EXISTING Opens the file. The function fails if the file does not exist.
OPEN_ALWAYS Opens the file, if it exists. If the file does not exist, act like CREATE_NEW.
TRUNCATE_EXISTING Opens the file. Once opened, the file is truncated so that its size is zero bytes. The calling process must open the file with at least GENERIC_WRITE access. The function fails if the file does not exist.

The ImpersonationLevel parameter can contain one or more of the following values:

SECURITY_ANONYMOUS Specifies to impersonate the client at the Anonymous impersonation level.
SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION Specifies to impersonate the client at the Identification impersonation level.
SECURITY_IMPERSONATION Specifies to impersonate the client at the Impersonation impersonation level.
SECURITY_DELEGATION Specifies to impersonate the client at the Delegation impersonation level.

The SecurityFlags parameter can have either of the following two flags set:

SECURITY_CONTEXT_TRACKING Specifies that the security tracking mode is dynamic. If this flag is not specified, Security Tracking Mode is static.
SECURITY_EFFECTIVE_ONLY Specifies that only the enabled aspects of the client's security context are available to the server. If you do not specify this flag, all aspects of the client's security context are available. This flag allows the client to limit the groups and privileges that a server can use while impersonating the client.
Server Response
UCHAR WordCount; Count of parameter words = 26
UCHAR AndXCommand; Secondary command; 0xFF = None
UCHAR AndXReserved; MBZ
USHORT AndXOffset; Offset to next command WordCount
UCHAR OplockLevel; The oplock level granted
0 - No oplock granted
1 - Exclusive oplock granted
2 - Batch oplock granted
3 - Level II oplock granted
USHORT Fid; The file ID
ULONG CreateAction; The action taken
TIME CreationTime; The time the file was created
TIME LastAccessTime; The time the file was accessed
TIME LastWriteTime; The time the file was last written
TIME ChangeTime; The time the file was last changed
ULONG ExtFileAttributes; The file attributes
LARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize; The number of byes allocated
LARGE_INTEGER EndOfFile; The end of file offset
USHORT FileType;
USHORT DeviceState; state of IPC device (e.g. pipe)
BOOLEAN Directory; TRUE if this is a directory
USHORT ByteCount; = 0

The following SMBs may follow SMB_COM_NT_CREATE_ANDX: