OPEN_ANDX: Open File

Client Request
UCHAR WordCount; Count of parameter words = 15
UCHAR AndXCommand; Secondary (X) command; 0xFF = none
UCHAR AndXReserved; Reserved (must be 0)
USHORT AndXOffset; Offset to next command WordCount
USHORT Flags; Additional information: bit set-
0 - return additional info
1 - exclusive oplock requested
2 - batch oplock requested
USHORT DesiredAccess; File open mode
USHORT SearchAttributes;
USHORT FileAttributes;
UTIME CreationTime; Creation timestamp for file if it gets created
USHORT OpenFunction; Action to take if file exists
ULONG AllocationSize; Bytes to reserve on create or truncate
ULONG Reserved[2]; Must be 0
USHORT ByteCount; Count of data bytes; min = 1
UCHAR BufferFormat 0x04
STRING FileName;

Server Response
UCHAR WordCount; Count of parameter words = 15
UCHAR AndXCommand; Secondary (X) command; 0xFF = none
UCHAR AndXReserved; Reserved (must be 0)
USHORT AndXOffset; Offset to next command WordCount
USHORT Fid; File handle
USHORT FileAttributes;
UTIME LastWriteTime;
ULONG DataSize; Current file size
USHORT GrantedAccess; Access permissions actually allowed
USHORT FileType; Type of file opened
USHORT DeviceState; State of the named pipe
USHORT Action; Action taken
ULONG ServerFid; Server unique file id
USHORT Reserved; Reserved (must be 0)
USHORT ByteCount; Count of data bytes = 0

DesiredAccess describes the access the client desires for the file (see section 3.6 - Access Mode Encoding).

OpenFunction specifies the action to be taken depending on whether or not the file exists (see section 3.8 - Open Function Encoding). Action in the response specifies the action as a result of the Open request (see section 3.9 - Open Action Encoding).

SearchAttributes indicates the attributes that the file must have to be found while searching to see if it exists. The encoding of this field is described in the "File Attribute Encoding" section elsewhere in this document. If searchattributes is zero then only normal files are returned. If the system file, hidden or directory attributes are specified then the search is inclusive -- both the specified type(s) of files and normal files are returned.

filetype returns the kind of resource actually opened:

FileTypeDisk 0 Disk file or directory as defined in the attribute field
FileTypeByteModePipe 1 Named pipe in byte mode
FileTypeMessageModePipe 2 Named pipe in message mode
FileTypePrinter 3 Spooled printer
FileTypeUnknown 0xFFFF Unrecognized resource type

If bit0 of flags is clear, the FileAttributes, LastWriteTime, DataSize, FileType, and DeviceState have indeterminate values in the response.

This SMB can request an oplock on the opened file. Oplocks are fully described in the "Oplocks" section elsewhere in this document, and there is also discussion of oplocks in the SMB_COM_LOCKING_ANDX SMB description. bit1 and bit2 of the flags field are used to request oplocks during open.

The following SMBs may follow SMB_COM_OPEN_ANDX: