SET_INFORMATION2: Set File Information

Client Request
UCHAR WordCount; Count of parameter words = 7
USHORT Fid; File handle
SMB_DATE CreationDate;
SMB_TIME CreationTime;
SMB_DATE LastAccessDate;
SMB_TIME LastAccessTime;
SMB_DATE LastWriteDate;
SMB_TIME LastWriteTime;
USHORT ByteCount; Count of data bytes = 0

SMB_COM_SET_INFORMATION2 sets information about the file represented by Fid. The target file is updated from the values specified. A date or time value or zero indicates to leave that specific date and time unchanged.

Server Response
UCHAR WordCount; Count of parameter words = 0
USHORT ByteCount; Count of data bytes = 0

fid must be open with (at least) write permission.