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The COMOBJ sample introduced COM objects. This DLLSERVE sample introduces COM components (also called simply component objects). A component object is a reusable software unit that encapsulates or packages the manufacturing of a specific class of COM object. A COM object class specifies an open-ended set of behaviorally identical COM objects that is uniquely identified for all programs and all time (by a Class ID).
Component objects are housed in a COM Server. The server executable is registered (or published) in a system registry to act as the creation agent for COM object instances of the COM Component. The server contains one or more Class Factories used for the creation of COM objects. Class factories are themselves COM objects that expose the IClassfactory[2] interface. However, as an integral part of the server housing, class factories are typically not full-fledged component objects.
Component objects are the building blocks in COM and ActiveX programming. Component objects are combined to make some portion of an application. The running behavior of the applicaion is often determined by, and evidenced in, the COM objects that were instantiated (i.e., that were manufactured in the class factories of the various component objects that were combined in the application).
The DLLSERVE sample begins with the car-related COM Objects of the previous COMOBJ lesson and refashions them into component objects. To do so requires little change to the COM objects themselves (COCar, COUtilityCar, and COCruiseCar). But to envelop them as components, this lesson introduces new facilities to house them in an in-process DLL COM server. These facilities include class factories for each component and a CarSample utility component that allows clients to see logged behavior in the server itself.
The DLL server provides the following components: Car, UtilityCar, CruiseCar, and CarSample.
In the series of COM tutorial code samples, DLLSERVE works with the DLLCLIEN code sample to illustrate DLLSERVE's COM server facilities for creating components that can be used by an EXE client and the subsequent manipulation of those components by DLLCLIEN.EXE.
For functional descriptions and a tutorial code tour of DLLSERVE, see the Code Tour section in DLLSERVE.HTM. For details on setting up the programmatic usage of DLLSERVE, see the Usage section in DLLSERVE.HTM. To read DLLSERVE.HTM, run TUTORIAL.EXE in the main tutorial directory and click the DLLSERVE lesson in the table of lessons. You can also achieve the same thing by clicking the DLLSERVE.HTM file after locating the main tutorial directory in the Windows Explorer. See also DLLCLIEN.HTM in the main tutorial directory for more details on the DLLCLIEN client application and how it works with DLLSERVE.DLL.
You must build DLLSERVE.DLL before building or running DLLCLIEN. DLLSERVE's makefile automatically registers DLLSERVE's components in the registry. These components must be registered before DLLSERVE is available to outside COM clients as a server for those components. This registration is done using the REGISTER.EXE utility built in the previous REGISTER lesson. To build or run DLLSERVE, you should build the REGISTER code sample first.
For details on setting up your system to build and test the code samples in this COM Tutorial series, see Building the Code Samples. The supplied makefile (MAKEFILE) is Microsoft NMAKE-compatible. To create a debug build, issue the NMAKE command in the Command Prompt window.
For convenient use in Microsoft's Visual Studio, a project file is provided for each sample. To load the project for the DLLSERVE sample, you can run Visual Studio at the Command Prompt in the sample's directory as follows:
You can also simply double-click the DLLSERVE.DSP file in the Windows Explorer to load a sample's project into Visual Studio. From within Visual Studio you can then browse the C++ classes of the sample source and generally perform the other edit-compile-debug operations. Note that, as part of the Platform SDK, the compilation of these samples from within Visual Studio requires the proper setting of directory paths in Visual Studio. For more details, see Building the Code Samples.
DLLSERVE is a DLL that is meant to be used primarily as a COM server. Though it can be implicitly loaded by linking to its associated .LIB file, it is normally used after an explicit LoadLibrary call (usually from COM's CoGetClassObject function). Servers like DLLSERVE are registered in the registry. To use DLLSERVE in a COM client program, a client does not need to include DLLSERVE.H or link to DLLSERVE.LIB. A COM client of DLLSERVE obtains access solely through its components' CLSIDs and COM services. For DLLSERVE, those CLSIDs are CLSID_DllCar, CLSID_DllUtilityCar, CLSID_DllCruiseCar, and CLSID_DllCarSample. The DLLCLIEN lesson shows how this is done.
The makefile that builds this sample automatically registers the server in the registry. You can manually initiate its self-registration by issuing the following command at the command prompt in the DLLSERVE directory:
nmake register
This assumes that you have a compilation environment set up. If not, you can also directly invoke the REGISTER.EXE command at the command prompt while in the DLLSERVE directory.
..\register\register.exe dllserve.dll
These registration commands require a prior build of the REGISTER sample in this series, as well as a prior build of DLLSERVE.DLL.
In this series, the makefiles use the REGISTER.EXE utility from the REGISTER sample. Recent releases of the Platform SDK and Visual C++® include a utility, REGSVR32.EXE, which can be used in a similar fashion to register in-process servers and marshaling DLLs.
The client sample and other related samples must be compiled before you can run the client. For more details on building the samples, see Building the Code Samples.
If you have already built the appropriate samples, DLLCLIEN.EXE is the client executable to run for this sample.
Files Description DLLSERVE.TXT Short sample description. MAKEFILE The generic makefile for building the DLLSERVE.DLL code sample of this tutorial lesson. DLLSERVE.H The include file for declaring as imported or defining as exported the service functions in DLLSERVE.DLL. DLLSERVE.CPP The main implementation file for DLLSERVE.DLL. Has DllMain and the COM server functions (for example, DllGetClassObject). DLLSERVE.DEF The module definition file. Exports server housing functions. DLLSERVE.RC The DLL resource definition file for the executable. DLLSERVE.ICO The icon resource for the executable. SERVER.H The include file for the server control C++ object. Also has resource identifiers for resources stored inside DLLSERVE.DLL and other external declarations that are used internally within the modules of DLLSERVE.DLL. SERVER.CPP The implementation file for the server control object. FACTORY.H The include file for the server's class factory COM objects. FACTORY.CPP The implementation file for the server's class factories. CAR.H The include file for the COCar COM object class. CAR.CPP The implementation file for the COCar COM object class. UTILCAR.H The include file for the COUtililtyCar COM object class. UTILCAR.CPP The implementation file for the COUtilityCar COM object class. CRUCAR.H The include file for the COCruiseCar COM object class. CRUCAR.CPP The implementation file for the COCruiseCar COM object class. SAMPLE.H The include file for the COCarSample COM object class. SAMPLE.CPP The implementation file for the COCarSample COM object class. DLLSERVE.DSP Microsoft Visual Studio Project file.
This code sample is based on the code in the COMOBJ lesson. The same COM objects studied in COMOBJ and COMUSER are encountered here again in DLLSERVE: COCar, COUtilityCar, and COCruiseCar. Some minor changes have been made to house these objects in a COM server. More on this below.
DLLSERVE is a server that manages several component types. This need not be the case. A COM server might need to manage only one component type. If you're modeling such a single component server on DLLSERVE, it is easy to remove the code for the other components.
DLLSERVE uses many of the utility classes and services provided by APPUTIL. For more details on APPUTIL, study the APPUTIL library's source code in the sibling \APPUTIL directory and APPUTIL.HTM in the main tutorial directory.
The main elements of the DLLSERVE and DLLCLIEN code samples are the mechanisms required to render COM objects into components by housing them in a DLL (in-process) server. Subsequent lessons will perform this same kind of evolution of COM objects by housing them as licensed in-process components (LICSERVE and LICCLIEN) and by housing them as components in an EXE (out-of-process) server (LOCSERVE and LOCCLIEN).
All of these COM servers are self-registering. The previous lesson in this series presented a small REGISTER.EXE utility that DLLSERVE will use for self-registration. We'll look first at the support for this facility that is provided in DLLSERVE. We will then see how the class factories are built. We'll tour the mechanism for control of the server as objects are created and deleted. We'll look at a new component (CarSample) that integrates the logging faciities of the server and the client to provide more instructive code samples. Finally, we'll look at the changes made to the COM object classes of the components themselves. This last section won't be long, because these COM object classes are almost the same as those presented in COMOBJ and COMUSER.
We start in DLLSERVE.H. Two exported functions, DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer, are implemented to manage registration of the components. Both functions are declared for import in the manner seen in the DLLSKEL and COMOBJ lessons. The STDENTRY macro from DLLSERVE.H is used when applications want to build a .LIB file from DLLSERVE.DLL and then link to DLLSERVE.LIB in order to import these two functions. However, the macro is not used to define them as exports, as was done in earlier code samples. In this code sample, the desired functions are specified as exported in the a DLLSERVE.DEF module definition file. This .DEF file is submitted to the Linker in the makefile's Link command line as follows.
$(DLL).dll: $(DLLOBJS) $(TDIR)\$(DLL).res $(LINK) @<< $(LINKFLAGS) $(dlllflags) -out:$@ -base:0x1C000000 -def:$*.def -implib:$*.lib -map:$(TDIR)\$*.map $(DLLOBJS) $(TDIR)\$*.res $(olelibsdll) $(APPLIBS) <<
The Linker's -def:$*.def command line switch is used above. This reduces to -def:DLLSERVE.DEF when the makefile is processed. Here is the content of DLLSERVE.DEF.
LIBRARY DLLSERVE DESCRIPTION 'DLLSERVE: COM Tutorial Sample. Copyright Microsoft Corp., 1997' EXPORTS DllGetClassObject PRIVATE DllCanUnloadNow PRIVATE DllRegisterServer PRIVATE DllUnregisterServer PRIVATEExport definition is done differently in this code sample because using the STDENTRY macro for the export definitions (as was done in the COMOBJ sample) may yield compile-time errors (linkage conflict). These errors happen because functions like DllGetClassObject are already declared in the COM/OLE header files, and these prototypes do not currently include linkage instructions in their signature. Thus, for COM servers, the DllClassObject, DllCanUnloadNow, DllRegisterServer, and DllUnregisterServer functions are considered exports that are intended for internal, private use only by COM. The linker is told explicitly--in the export statements of the DLLSERVE.DEF file--to mark those functions as PRIVATE exports. This also excludes those functions from any import libraries that may be produced during Linking.
The above export approach applies especially to the DllGetClassObject and DllCanUnloadNow functions, which all COM component servers must implement. More on them later.
First, look at DllRegisterServer (in DLLSERVE.CPP). The following fragment shows what it does.
STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; TCHAR szID[GUID_SIZE+1]; TCHAR szCLSID[GUID_SIZE+32]; TCHAR szModulePath[MAX_PATH]; // Obtain the path to this module's executable file for later use. GetModuleFileName( g_pServer->m_hDllInst, szModulePath, sizeof(szModulePath)/sizeof(TCHAR)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------- Create registry entries for the DllCar Component. -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Create some base key strings. StringFromGUID2(CLSID_DllCar, szID, GUID_SIZE); lstrcpy(szCLSID, TEXT("CLSID\\")); lstrcat(szCLSID, szID); // Create ProgID keys. SetRegKeyValue( TEXT("DllCar1.0"), NULL, TEXT("DllCar Component - DLLSERVE Code Sample")); SetRegKeyValue( TEXT("DllCar1.0"), TEXT("CLSID"), szID); // Create VersionIndependentProgID keys. SetRegKeyValue( TEXT("DllCar"), NULL, TEXT("DllCar Component - DLLSERVE Code Sample")); SetRegKeyValue( TEXT("DllCar"), TEXT("CurVer"), TEXT("DllCar1.0")); SetRegKeyValue( TEXT("DllCar"), TEXT("CLSID"), szID); // Create entries under CLSID. SetRegKeyValue( szCLSID, NULL, TEXT("DllCar Component - DLLSERVE Code Sample")); SetRegKeyValue( szCLSID, TEXT("ProgID"), TEXT("DllCar1.0")); SetRegKeyValue( szCLSID, TEXT("VersionIndependentProgID"), TEXT("DllCar")); SetRegKeyValue( szCLSID, TEXT("NotInsertable"), NULL); SetRegKeyValue( szCLSID, TEXT("InprocServer32"), szModulePath); ... ... [Similar for UtilityCar, CruiseCar, and CarSample.] ... ... return hr; }
Notice the specific CLSIDs, such as CLSID_DllCar, used for these component types. A CLSID is important in distinguishing a component from the in-process COM objects that were introduced in the previous code samples. As we shall see, other work must be done to fully flesh them out as components.
These CLSIDs must be unique, hence the DllCar, DllUtilityCar, and DllCruiseCar in their names. Even though these components are similar to the COCar, COUtilityCar, and COCruiseCar COM objects, different CLSIDs must be created for them when they reside in other servers. All the car-related CLSIDs, GUIDs, and interfaces are declared in CARGUIDS.H and ICARS.H, in sibling directory \INC. These include files are common to all the code samples in this tutorial series.
The CLSIDs are like tickets to the servers. You present a CLSID to COM to get components from the servers that house them. Though different servers may create COCar COM objects, the client's access to these objects is first through their component type CLSID, which gets to their server, which in turn can create them. Subsequent use of the COM objects by the client is solely through COM interfaces on the objects themselves.
The internal avenue from the CLSID of a component type to its server is provided by appropriate entries in the system registry. One way to get those entries into the registry is to have the server that manages a component type put them there. That is what the DllRegisterServer function does for each component type.
The StringFromGUID2 service is called to convert the GUID corresponding to CLSID_DllCar into a string that can be stored in the registry. Most of the work is in constructing the proper strings to write into the registry. The CLSIDs themselves are stored as registry keys under the CLSID subkey, which is in turn under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. All of these entries are stored in the registry under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key. You can look at these entries by running the Registry Editor utility that is provided as part of the operating system (REGEDIT.EXE under Windows 95, and REGEDT32.EXE under Windows NT).
Note that this sample assumes that all registration is under the main registry key of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. The same content that is in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT branch can also be accessed in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes branch. These two branches of the Registry can be used interchangeably.
Aside from the CLSID itself (which ties a component type's CLSID to its COM server), other registry entries are written for VersionIndependentProgID and ProgID. For the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID entry, because this server is in a DLL, the path to the server is the value of an 'InprocServer32' subkey. This value will probably be different on each system, so the function GetModuleFileName is called to dynamically determine where the executing server is located. This approach is more convenient than using .REG files, but it does require running a small utility such as REGISTER.EXE or SELFREG.EXE. It also requires that a runnable copy of the server be present, which may not always be the case.
To make the code example easier to read and maintain, these keys, subkeys, and values are written to the registry within DllRegisterServer using calls to the SetRegKeyValue local function.
The entries for each server's component types are removed from the registry within DllUnregisterServer using calls to the RegDeleteKey COM function. These are the same entries that DllRegisterServer had previously written to the registry. Here is DllUnregisterServer (in DLLSERVE.CPP).
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; TCHAR szID[GUID_SIZE+1]; TCHAR szCLSID[GUID_SIZE+32]; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+GUID_SIZE]; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Delete registry entries for the DllCar Component. -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //Create some base key strings. StringFromGUID2(CLSID_DllCar, szID, GUID_SIZE); lstrcpy(szCLSID, TEXT("CLSID\\")); lstrcat(szCLSID, szID); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, TEXT("CTS.DllCar\\CurVer")); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, TEXT("CTS.DllCar\\CLSID")); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, TEXT("CTS.DllCar")); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, TEXT("CTS.DllCar.1\\CLSID")); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, TEXT("CTS.DllCar.1")); wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), szCLSID, TEXT("ProgID")); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTemp); wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), szCLSID, TEXT("VersionIndependentProgID")); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTemp); wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), szCLSID, TEXT("NotInsertable")); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTemp); wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), szCLSID, TEXT("InprocServer32")); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTemp); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szCLSID); ... ... [Similar for DllUtilityCar, DllCruiseCar, and DllCarSample.] ... ... return hr; }
We turn next to class factories. To be a COM server is to expose the class factories for the component types the server supports. These class factories create instances of the component types supported. In the process, much like the CreatexxxCar functions of the COMOBJ sample, they pass the client a requested interface pointer to the new COM object. Part of the elegance of COM is in how it is built using itself. Class factories can illustrate this point. The class factories in this code sample are themselves COM objects that implement the standard COM IClassFactory interface. IClassFactory is called a standard interface because it is provided by COM and is pre-declared in the system header files.
Outside the COM server, COM is made aware of the class factories through a DllGetClassObject function that the server must implement and export. We'll see in the DLLCLIEN lesson how the client presents a CLSID to COM to get a class factory, then uses it to create the object, and then uses the object through its interfaces.
Here's the whole of DllGetClassObject (again from DLLSERVE.CPP).
STDAPI DllGetClassObject( REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { HRESULT hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; IUnknown* pCob = NULL; if (CLSID_DllCar == rclsid) { LOG("S: DllGetClassObject: Requesting CFCar."); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; pCob = new CFCar(NULL, g_pServer); } else if (CLSID_DllUtilityCar == rclsid) { LOG("S: DllGetClassObject: Requesting CFUtilityCar."); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; pCob = new CFUtilityCar(NULL, g_pServer); } else if (CLSID_DllCruiseCar == rclsid) { LOG("S: DllGetClassObject: Requesting CFCruiseCar."); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; pCob = new CFCruiseCar(NULL, g_pServer); } else if (CLSID_DllCarSample == rclsid) { LOG("S: DllGetClassObject: Requesting CFCarSample."); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; pCob = new CFCarSample(NULL, g_pServer); } if (NULL != pCob) { g_pServer->ObjectsUp(); hr = pCob->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); if (FAILED(hr)) { g_pServer->ObjectsDown(); DELETE_POINTER(pCob); } } return hr; }
For a given CLSID, the function creates the appropriate new CFCarXXX class factory COM object. A pointer to the requested interface on the new class factory COM object (usually IClassFactory) is then obtained by a call to QueryInterface. To create an object, the CreateInstance method of the obtained IClassFactory interface is then called by the client. This DllGetClassObject is not called directly by the client, but by COM on behalf of clients, usually through such COM services as CoGetClassObject or CoCreateInstance. More on this in the DLLCLIEN lesson.
The CFCarXXX class factory object obtained is also a component in its own right. When a class factory object is created or destroyed, it maintains its server's object count by calling the ObjectsUp and ObjectsDown functions of the appropriate server control object. There will be more on these calls later when we look at the server control object itself and at the actual car-related application components to see how they are related to the server as components.
All the CFxxx class factories are declared in FACTORY.H and implemented in FACTORY.CPP. Throughout most of the rest of this tour of the class factories, we'll use the Car component's server code as a representative example. Unless stated otherwise, this server code applies by direct analogy to the other class factories. From FACTORY.H, here is the declaration for CFCar.
class CFCar : public IUnknown { public: // Main Object Constructor & Destructor. CFCar(IUnknown* pUnkOuter, CServer* pServer); ~CFCar(void); // IUnknown methods. Main object, non-delegating. STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID, PPVOID); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void); private: // We declare nested class interface implementations here. // We implement the IClassFactory interface (ofcourse) in this class // factory COM object class. class CImpIClassFactory : public IClassFactory { public: // Interface Implementation Constructor & Destructor. CImpIClassFactory( CFCar* pBackObj, IUnknown* pUnkOuter, CServer* pServer); ~CImpIClassFactory(void); // IUnknown methods. STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID, PPVOID); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void); // IClassFactory methods. STDMETHODIMP CreateInstance(IUnknown*, REFIID, PPVOID); STDMETHODIMP LockServer(BOOL); private: // Data private to this interface implementation of IClassFactory. ULONG m_cRefI; // Interface Ref Count (debugging). CFCar* m_pBackObj; // Parent Object back pointer. IUnknown* m_pUnkOuter; // Outer unknown for Delegation. CServer* m_pServer; // Server's control object. }; // Make the otherwise private and nested IClassFactory interface // implementation a friend to COM object instantiations of this // selfsame CFCar COM object class. friend CImpIClassFactory; // Private data of CFCar COM objects. // Nested IClassFactory implementation instantiation. CImpIClassFactory m_ImpIClassFactory; // Main Object reference count. ULONG m_cRefs; // Outer unknown (aggregation & delegation). Used when this // CFCar object is being aggregated. Otherwise it is used // for delegation if this object is reused via containment. IUnknown* m_pUnkOuter; // Pointer to this component server's control object. CServer* m_pServer; };
This code should look familiar, since there were a lot of COM objects very much like this in the COMOBJ and COMUSER code samples. Here again we see the pattern of nested classes used to implement the multiple interfaces on this COM object, in this case IUnknown and IClassFactory. We see prototypes for the two IClassFactory methods, CreateInstance and LockServer. We won't repeat the discussion of COM object construction that was covered in COMOBJ. Return to that lesson if you don't recognize the COM object pattern of this code.
We will focus here on the code that constructs this class factory so that, when CreateInstance is called, the class factory creates its COM objects and gives those objects access to their server. To consolidate and encapsulate this internal access to the server housing, a CServer server control object is used. The server control object is a C++ object, not a COM object. In this scheme, only one server control object is implemented for the entire server, regardless of how many component types the server manages.
For now we'll examine how a pointer to the server control object is passed into the labyrinth of COM objects, their interface implementations, and the components that are actually manufactured. First notice the CFCar constructor.
CFCar(IUnknown* pUnkOuter, CServer* pServer);
Here a pointer to the server control object is passed to the class factory. Think about where this pointer came from in the first place. One clue is in the call to the class factory constructor (see above in function DllGetClassObject). Here's the line for CFCar:
pCob = new CFCar(NULL, g_pServer);
The value is passed as global variable g_pServer. This value in turn is assigned during execution of the DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH case in DllMain, where the server control object is created. (DllMain is in DLLSERVE.CPP.)
g_pServer = new CServer;
This pointer value to the server control object must also be passed to the CFCar's IClassFactory implementation through its constructor.
CImpIClassFactory( CFCar* pBackObj, IUnknown* pUnkOuter, CServer* pServer);
As with the pBackObj and pUnkOuter pointers, the pServer pointer is passed so the methods inside the protected scope of the interface implementation can access the outside server control object. Both the CFCar COM object and its implementation of IClassFactory have m_pServer pointer members to store this value when it is passed by the constructors. The constructor method implementations have appropriate assignments, such as the following from the CFCar constructor (in FACTORY.CPP).
// Init the pointer to the server control object. m_pServer = pServer;
The class factory, in turn, passes the pointer to any new COM objects that it creates. To see this, you have to switch over to the IClassFactory interface implementation in FACTORY.CPP. For example, from the CFCar implementation of IClassFactory, here is method CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreatInstance:
STDMETHODIMP CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance( IUnknown* pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; COCar* pCob = NULL; // NULL the output pointer. *ppv = NULL; // If the creation call is requesting aggregation (pUnkOuter != NULL), // the COM rules state that the IUnknown interface MUST also be // requested concomitantly. If it is not so requested // (riid != IID_IUnknown), then an error must be returned indicating // that no aggregate creation of the CFCar COM Object can be // performed. if (NULL != pUnkOuter && riid != IID_IUnknown) hr = CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION; else { // Instantiate a COCar COM Object. pCob = new COCar(pUnkOuter, m_pServer); if (NULL != pCob) { // We initially created the new COM object so tell the server // to increment its global server object count to help ensure // that the server remains loaded until this partial creation // of a component is completed. m_pServer->ObjectsUp(); // We QueryInterface this new COM Object not only to deposit the // main interface pointer to the caller's pointer variable, but to // also automatically bump the Reference Count on the new COM // Object after handing out this reference to it. hr = pCob->QueryInterface(riid, (PPVOID)ppv); if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pServer->ObjectsDown(); delete pCob; } } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
The CreateInstance code above should remind you of the CreateCar function in COMOBJ. For example, like CreateCar, the CreateInstance function calls QueryInterface to provide the caller with the requested interface output pointer (value *ppv) after successfully creating its COM object.
In terms of m_pServer, the important line is:
// Instantiate a COCar COM Object. pCob = new COCar(pUnkOuter, m_pServer);
The interface implementation's m_pServer data member is passed to the new COCar COM object. What will the new COCar COM object do with it? The primary thing that the newly manufactured COCar object needs to communicate to the server is when the COCar COM object has been deleted. This happens when a client of the object releases the last interface pointer held on the object. The server needs to be informed when one of its objects is deleted so that the server can unload itself when it is no longer needed by any clients. This is part of the control responsibility encapsulated in the CServer server control object. The new COCar object will use m_pServer to notify the server control object when the COCar object is being deleted. More on this below.
CreateInstance (above) uses m_pServer in other ways, as well, such as the following.
// We initially created the new COM object so tell the server // to increment its global server object count to help ensure // that the server remains loaded until this partial creation // of a component is completed. m_pServer->ObjectsUp();
The server control object is responsible for maintaining the server's object count, among other things. In a way, the server control object governs the lifetime of the server as a whole. The ObjectsUp method increments the server's object count, and the ObjectsDown method decrements the count. After the class factory successfully manufactures a new COM object of the requested component type, it calls ObjectsUp in the server control object to increment the server's object count.
The server control object is an outgrowth of the CDllData object that was used to encapsulate DLL data in the DLLSKEL and COMOBJ code samples. Now it takes on greater importance. CServer is declared in SERVER.H and implemented in SERVER.CPP. Here is the CServer declaration from SERVER.H:
class CServer { public: CServer(void); ~CServer(void); void Lock(void); void Unlock(void); void ObjectsUp(void); void ObjectsDown(void); // A place to store the handle to loaded instance of this DLL module. HINSTANCE m_hDllInst; // A place to store a client's parent window. HINSTANCE m_hWndParent; // A Pointer to a Message Box object. CMsgBox* m_pMsgBox; // Global DLL Server living Object count. LONG m_cObjects; // Global DLL Server Client Lock count. LONG m_cLocks; };
The ObjectsUp and ObjectsDown methods take care of incrementing and decrementing the server's object count. For example, here is the ObjectsDown method implementation.
void CServer::ObjectsDown(void) { InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &g_pServer->m_cObjects); LOGF1("S: CServer::ObjectsDown, new cObjects=%i.", g_pServer->m_cObjects); return; }
ObjectsUp and ObjectsDown call the Win32 functions InterlockedIncrement and InterlockedDecrement, respectively. Because the server exists and has clients in a multitasking environment, the server's object count must be accessed in ways that guarantee mutual exclusion among contending tasks (or threads within the same client process). These Win32 functions guarantee this mutual exclusion for the increment and decrement operations. The Lock and Unlock methods use the same functions to perform increment and decrement operations on a global server lock count. These lock methods are called by the IClassFactory::LockServer method implementation when a client needs to lock the server in a loaded state, regardless of whether the server has a zero object count.
This server is unloaded through the DllCanUnloadNow function that all COM servers must implement and export. Returning to file DLLSERVE.CPP, here is DllCanUnloadNow.
STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(void) { HRESULT hr; LOGF1("S: DllCanUnloadNow. cObjects=%i.", g_pServer->m_cObjects); // We return S_OK if there are no longer any living objects AND // there are no outstanding client locks on this server. hr = (0L==g_pServer->m_cObjects && 0L==g_pServer->m_cLocks) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; return hr; }
This function is occasionally called by COM, usually when the client calls CoFreeUnusedLibraries, to ask the server if COM can unload it. The server gives the OK on return from this function if both the lock count and the object count are zero. Though encapsulated in the CServer object, these counts are global to the attached process associated with a client instance and its use of the server. It is not necessary to place these count variables in a shared section to make them global to all client processes, because DllCanUnloadNow can be called only in the context of the CoInitialize/CoUninitialize matching pair of a given client process. The system maintains process-global usage counts for DLLs, and there is no need for COM servers to manage this.
As was pointed out earlier, CFCar is a COM object in its own right. But unlike the other applications objects managed by the server, it is also part of what makes the server a server. In the CFCar::Release method implementation, notice that m_pServer->ObjectsDown is called when the client releases its pointer to the class factory.
In the COMOBJ and COMUSER samples, we used a direct DLL call to connect the DLL to the EXE user of the DLL so that the sample's trace logging could be integrated in one display. But with DLLSERVE, the client accesses services in the DLL server solely through interfaces. To provide a clean model of client/server separation, we have no direct (DLL-exported) call that the client can make to pass a pointer to its logging facility into the server.
There is always power in such indirection. By isolating the client from direct linkage to the server, the way is open for the servers to reside on other machines. By making a component, we use an abstraction agency between the client and the component in the server. This agency is a cooperative effort between COM and the server.
Now consider another component that is also part of the infastructure of this server. In this server code sample, we use a new custom interface (ISample) and implement it in a CarSample component. Though its purpose is administratively mundane, it is representative of situations we all face in developing real applications.
ISample is declared in ICARS.H, in the sibling \INC directory, and has two methods: Init and AboutBox. Init is the significant one for associating the client's logging display with the logging being done in the server. This method yields an integrated display in the client that shows the internal sequential behavior in both server and client. This logging scheme was used to good effect in the prior lessons. Those lessons also had separate About dialog boxes in the resources of each DLL. This may seem odd in one sense, but the dialog box doesn't have to be an AboutBox as such: DLLs might often need to supply dialog boxes to an application. A banking application, for example, might call on a component in a DLL to display a dialog box containing a loan application form. The AboutBox is just an excuse to put a dialog box in the DLL. The ISample implementation in the CarSample component provides an interface method through which the client can invoke the dialog box in the server.
The COCarSample COM object is declared in SAMPLE.H and implemented in the SAMPLE.CPP file. Once again, the object's multiple interfaces, IUnknown and a native implementation of ISample, are nested classes.
The other COM objects provided by DLLSERVE are COCar, COUtilityCar, and COCruiseCar. They retain their COM object construction characteristics. COCar (in CAR.H and CAR.CPP) has nested implementations of IUnknown with a native ICar interface. COUtilityCar (in UTILCAR.H and UTILCAR.CPP) has nested implementations of IUnknown with two other interfaces, ICar and IUtility, which are reused by containment. COCruiseCar (in CRUCAR.H and CRUCAR.CPP) has nested implementations of IUnknown with two other interfaces, ICar and ICruise, which are reused by aggregation. We'll tour COCruiseCar as a representative example.
The COCruiseCar COM object class declaration in CRUCAR.H is a little different from the declaration in the COMOBJ code sample. These differences associate the COM object with the server housing and help make the COM object a properly constructed instance of the CLSID_DllCruiseCar class of components. Here is the COCruiseCar COM object class declaration:
class COCruiseCar : public IUnknown { public: // Main Object Constructor & Destructor. COCruiseCar(IUnknown* pUnkOuter, CServer* pServer); ~COCruiseCar(void); // A general method for initializing a newly created COCruiseCar. HRESULT Init(void); // IUnknown methods. Main object, non-delegating. STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID, PPVOID); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void); private: // We declare nested class interface implementations here. // We implement the ICruise interface (ofcourse) in this COCruiseCar // COM object class. This is the interface that we are using as an // augmentation to the existing COCar COM object class. class CImpICruise : public ICruise { public: // Interface Implementation Constructor & Destructor. CImpICruise(COCruiseCar* pBackObj, IUnknown* pUnkOuter); ~CImpICruise(void); // IUnknown methods. STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID, PPVOID); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void); // ICruise methods. STDMETHODIMP Engage(BOOL bOnOff); STDMETHODIMP Adjust(BOOL bUpDown); private: // Data private to this interface implementation of ICruise. ULONG m_cRefI; // Interface Ref Count (debugging). COCruiseCar* m_pBackObj; // Parent Object back pointer. IUnknown* m_pUnkOuter; // Outer unknown for Delegation. }; // Make the otherwise private and nested ICar interface implementation // a friend to COM object instantiations of this selfsame COCruiseCar // COM object class. friend CImpICruise; // Private data of COCruiseCar COM objects. // Nested ICruise implementation instantiation. This ICruise // interface is implemented inside this COCruiseCar object as a native // interface. CImpICruise m_ImpICruise; // Main Object reference count. ULONG m_cRefs; // Outer unknown (aggregation & delegation). Used when this // COCruiseCar object is being aggregated. Otherwise it is used for // delegation if this object is reused via containment. IUnknown* m_pUnkOuter; // We need to save the IUnknown interface pointer on the COCar // object that we aggregate. We use this when we need to delegate // IUnknown calls to this aggregated inner object. IUnknown* m_pUnkCar; // Pointer to this component server's control object. CServer* m_pServer; };
The COM object has to be able to inform the server when the object is being deleted. It does so by storing a pointer to the server's control object, declared as CServer* m_pServer above. This value is passed to the constructor and assigned in the constructor implementation. Earlier in this tour, we saw how this value was passed to the class factory. When the class factory for COCruiseCar creates a new COCruiseCar COM object, it passes a copy of this m_pServer pointer to the constructor of the new COCruiseCar object.
There is no need, as there was in the interface implementations of the class factory COM objects, to pass this m_pServer value to COCruiseCar's other interface implementations (ImpICar and ImpICruise). They simply don't need it. The pointer is needed only in the COCruiseCar object's IUnknown, where the object's lifetime is managed. The Release method of the COCruiseCar object's IUnknown uses m_pServer as follows:
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COCruiseCar::Release(void) { ULONG ulCount = --m_cRefs; LOGF1("S: COCruiseCar::Release. New Count=%i.", m_cRefs); if (0 == m_cRefs) { // We've reached a zero reference count for this COM object. // So we tell the server housing to decrement its global object // count so that the server will be unloaded if appropriate. if (NULL != m_pServer) m_pServer->ObjectsDown(); // We artificially bump the main ref count. This fulfills one of // the rules of aggregated objects and ensures that an indirect // recursive call to this release won't occur because of other // delegating releases that might happen in our own destructor. m_cRefs++; delete this; } return ulCount; }
When the reference count of this COM object goes to zero, m_pServer->ObjectsDown is called to inform the server. If there are no more objects for the server (m_cObjects == 0) and no clients have outstanding locks on the server as a result of calls to IClassFactory::LockServer, the next call to DllCanUnloadNow will cause COM to unload the server.
Another thing to notice in this lesson is the COCruiseCar::Init method. In COMOBJ we saw that there was an Init method to create any subordinate COM objects. In the class factory for COCruiseCar components (CFCruiseCar's CreateInstance method implementation in FACTORY.CPP), this Init method is called just after a new COCruiseCar object is created.
... ... // Instantiate a COCruiseCar COM Object. pCob = new COCruiseCar(pUnkOuter, m_pServer); if (NULL != pCob) { // We initially created the new COM object so tell the server // to increment its global server object count to help ensure // that the server remains loaded until this partial creation // of a component is completed. m_pServer->ObjectsUp(); // If we have succeeded in instantiating the COM object we // initialize it to set up any subordinate objects. hr = pCob->Init(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // We QueryInterface this new COM Object not only to deposit the // main interface pointer to the caller's pointer variable, but to // also automatically bump the Reference Count on the new COM // Object after handing out this reference to it. hr = pCob->QueryInterface(riid, (PPVOID)ppv); } if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pServer->ObjectsDown(); delete pCob; } } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ... ...
The ObjectsUp call is made before the call to Init. This is to keep the server loaded (by incrementing its object count) while the composite object creation is completed. Init could take some time, and we wouldn't want another client releasing the last interface on a server-managed object, causing COM to prematurely unload the server.
This code guards against something that is extremely unlikely in this code sample because the class factory component itself resides in the same server. In order to call CreateInstance, the client must be holding an interface pointer to the class factory. Since the class factory is itself a COM object, the server's object count will be nonzero, at least until the client releases this pointer to the class factory. There is nothing wrong, however, with writing foolproof code, and in other application coding contexts it is at least conceivable that a class factory might reside in a different server from the components it creates.
Back in CRUCAR.CPP, here is the COCruiseCar::Init method:
HRESULT COCruiseCar::Init(void) { HRESULT hr; LOG("S: COCruiseCar::Init."); // Set up the right pIUnknown for delegation. If we are being // aggregated, then we pass the pUnkOuter in turn to any COM objects // that we are aggregating. m_pUnkOuter was set in the Constructor. IUnknown* pUnkOuter = (NULL == m_pUnkOuter) ? this : m_pUnkOuter; // We create an instance of the COCar object and do this via the // Aggregation reuse technique. Note we pass pUnkOuter as the // Aggregation pointer. It is the 'this' pointer to this present // CruiseCar object if we are not being aggregated; otherwise it is the // pointer to the outermost object's controlling IUnknown. Following // the rules of Aggregation, we must ask for an IID_IUnknown interface. // We cache the requested pointer to the IUnknown of the new COCar COM // object for later use in delegating IUnknown calls. hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DllCar, pUnkOuter, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUnknown, (PPVOID)&m_pUnkCar); return (hr); }
We don't just use a "new COCar" statement to create the subordinate COCar COM object. COCar is a component in its own right, and rather than assuming any special knowledge about its availability inside this server, we use the general power of COM to find the right server and create the object. Our code is not hard-wired to require that all CLSID_DllCar components be managed by the same server. We are going to make a new COCruiseCar COM Object and aggregate a new COCar object to do it. We don't care where the new COCar is or where it comes from; it might even be on another machine. We only want COM to give back a pointer to the object's IUnknown.
CoCreateInstance is a COM service that accepts a CLSID for a component type and creates a single instance of it. CoCreateInstance encapsulates the following behavior:
This COM API "helper" function is useful when you need a single instance of a given component type.