Looks up a CLSID in the registry, given a ProgID.
LPCOLESTR lpszProgID, //Pointer to the ProgID
LPCLSID pclsid //Pointer to the CLSID
Given a ProgID, CLSIDFromProgID looks up its associated CLSID in the registry. If the ProgID cannot be found in the registry, CLSIDFromProgID creates an OLE 1 CLSID for the ProgID and a CLSID entry in the registry. Because of the restrictions placed on OLE 1 CLSID values, CLSIDFromProgID and CLSIDFromString are the only two functions that can be used to generate a CLSID for an OLE 1 object.
Windows NT: Use version 3.1 or later.
Windows: Use Windows 95 or later.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in objbase.h.
Import Library: Included as a resource in ole32.dll.