
This function executes a hyperlink jump to a new document or object (specified in pmkTarget). HlinkNavigateMoniker is implemented as a simple macro that calls the HlinkSimpleNavigateToMoniker function, passing it NULL for most parameters.

HRESULT HlinkNavigateMoniker(
  IUnknown * pUnk,      //IUnknown pointer to the initiating 
                        // document or object
  IMoniker * pmkTarget  //Moniker of the hyperlink target


[in] Pointer to the IUnknown interface on the document or object that is initiating the hyperlink. If NULL, it is assumed the hyperlink originates from an ActiveX-unaware application.
[in] Pointer to the moniker which identifies the hyperlink target. If NULL, then the navigation is within a document.

Return Values

A hyperlink jump to a new document or object has executed successfully.

This function can also return any value returned by IHlink::Navigate.


The HlinkNavigateMoniker helper function should be used by all applications, documents, and objects that have simple navigation needs. This single function call will "do the right thing" depending on whether the navigation is originating from within a hyperlink frame or within a hyperlink-unaware application.


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in hlink.h.

See Also

HLNF, HlinkNavigateString, HlinkNavigateToStringReference, HlinkSimpleNavigateToMoniker, IHlink::Navigate