
Creates an empty, default instance of the system browse context object.

HRESULT HlinkCreateBrowseContext(
  IUnknown *piunkOuter,
                //Controlling unknown for possible aggregation
  REFIID riid,  //Interface identifier to return on the new browse 
                // context
  void **ppvObj //Receives the requested interface's pointer


[in] Pointer to the controlling IUnknown interface for the new browse context. Typically NULL, in which case the new browse context is not aggregated. This interface must be derived from IUnknown.
[in] Identifies the interface to return on the new browse context. Typically IID_IHlinkBrowseContext, although it must be IID_IUnknown when punkOuter is non-NULL so that the aggregator can retrieve the new browse context's inner IUnknown for future delegation of QueryInterface. See the COM aggregation documentation for details.
[out] Location to return the riid interface.

Return Values

The browse context was created and the interface pointer retrieved.


This helper function is identical to calling

coCreateInstance(CLSID_StdHlinkBrowseContext, punkOuter,
    CLSCTX_SERVER, riid, ppv).


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in hlink.h.

See Also

IHlinkBrowseContext, IHlinkFrame::GetBrowseContext, IHlinkTarget::GetBrowseContext