
This function executes a hyperlink jump to a new document or object (specified in pmkTarget).

HRESULT HlinkSimpleNavigateToMoniker(
  IMoniker * pmkTarget,       //Moniker of the hyperlink target
  LPCWSTR szLocation,         //Optional string representing 
                              // location within target
  LPCWSTR szTargetFrameName,  //Optional string naming the target 
                              // frame
  IUnknown * punk,            //IUnknown pointer to the initiating 
                              // document or object
  IBindCtx * pbc,             //Bind context object
  IBindStatusCallback * pbsc,  //Bind status callback
  DWORD grfHLNF,              //Navigation flags
  DWORD dwReserved            //Reserved for future use


[in] Pointer to the moniker which identifies the hyperlink target. If null, then the navigation is within a document.
[in] Optional string representing the location within the hyperlink target for the new hyperlink.
[in] Optional string naming the target frame for the hyperlink navigation. This argument only affects navigation within a document container that understands frame-sets.
[in] Pointer to the IUnknown interface on the document or object that is initiating the hyperlink. If NULL, it is assumed the hyperlink originates from an ActiveX-unaware application. Note that if the caller of this function is an ActiveX Control or Document Object, you must pass a valid value for this parameter in order for navigation to work correctly.
[in] Pointer to the IBindCtx interface on the bind context to use for any moniker binding performed during the navigation. Must not be NULL.
[in] Pointer to the IBindStatusCallback interface on the bind-status-callback to use for any asynchronous moniker binding performed during the navigation. If NULL, the caller is not interested in progress notification, cancellation, pausing, or low-level binding information.
[in] Value taken from the HLNF enumeration.
[in] Reserved for future use; must be set to NULL.

Return Values

A hyperlink knowing the moniker of its target has navigated to it successfully.

This function can also return any value returned by IHlink::Navigate.


The HlinkSimpleNavigateToMoniker helper function should be used by all applications, documents, and objects that have simple navigation needs. This single function call will "do the right thing" depending on whether the navigation is originating from within a hyperlink frame or within a hyperlink-unaware application.


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in hlink.h.

See Also

HLNF, HlinkNavigateToStringReference, HlinkSimpleNavigateToString, IHlink::Navigate