
Creates a blocking stream object from a URL.

HRESULT URLOpenBlockingStream(
  LPUNKNOWN pCaller,  // Caller's controlling IUnknown 
  LPCWSTR szURL,      // URL to be converted to stream
  LPSTREAM *ppStream, // Stream object's IStream 
  DWORD dwResv,       // Reserved for future use
                      // Caller's IBindStatusCallback 


[in] Pointer to the caller's controlling IUnknown. If the caller is not an ActiveX component, this value may be set to NULL.
[out] The URL to be converted to a stream object. Cannot be NULL.
[out] Pointer to the IStream interface pointer on the stream object created by this function.
[in] Reserved for future use; must be zero.
[in] Pointer to the IBindStatusCallback interface pointer on the caller. Can be NULL.

Return Values

This function returns the same values as IBindHost::MonikerBindToStorage.


Immediately on receiving the interface pointer returned by this function, the caller can download data from the Internet by calling ISequentialStream::Read. This call blocks until enough data is available. The following code fragment is a typical implementation of such a call:

IStream *pStream
URLOpenStream( 0, L"http://www.msn.com/", &pStream, 0, 0);
char buffer[0x100];
DWORD dwGot;
do {
    hr = pStream->Read( buffer, sizeof(buffer), &dwGot );
    .. do something with contents of buffer ...
} while( SUCCEEDED(hr) );

If pCaller is non-NULL, the caller is a COM object that is contained in another component, such as an ActiveX Control in the context of an HTML page.In this case, the function attempts the download in the context of the ActiveX client framework and allows the caller's container to receive callbacks on the progress of the download.

URLOpenBlockingStream calls the caller's IBindStatusCallback::OnProgress method on some connection activity, including the arrival of data (IBindStatusCallback::OnDataAvailable is never called for this purpose). Implementing IBindStatusCallback::OnProgress allows a caller to provide a mechanism for monitoring the progress of download operations.It also allows downloads to be canceled by returning E_ABORT from the OnProgress call.


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in urlmon.h.

See Also

IBindStatusCallback, IBindStatusCallback::OnProgress, IStream, ISequentialStream, ISequentialStream::Read