Class Store Manager Object

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Class Store Manager object interprets the class store search path. Based on the calling user credentials, Class Store Manager locates all the class stores listed in the search path and allows read-only access to them.

The Class Store Manager is a COM object with CLSID_ClassAccess. Callers need to set the impersonation level in the proxy security blanket to "impersonate" or use the CoGetClassAccess helper API, which automatically sets the correct proxy blanket.

The Class Store Manager cannot be replaced. It can be extended by registering custom Class Store Provider objects in the class store search path.


Class Store Manager is implemented as part of the COM client-side libraries.

How User Obtains

CoCreateInstance Creates an instance of the Class Store Manager object by using a CLSID.
CoGetClassAccess Returns a class access interface pointer.


IClassAccess Searches in the set of class stores.
IClassRefresh Syncs up earlier installations with the current state in the set of class stores.
ICatInformation Obtains information about categories implemented or required by a certain class.
ICatRegister Registers and unregisters component category information in the Registry.