Setting the Location for an Application

The location you set for your application determines the computer on which the application will run. You can choose to run your application on the machine where the data is located, on the machine you use to set the location, or on a specified machine.

    To set an application's location:
  1. With Dcomcnfg.exe running, select the application from the Applications page and choose the Properties button (or double-click the selected application).
  2. On the Location page, select one or more checkboxes that correspond to locations where you want the application to run. If you select more than one checkbox, COM uses the first one that applies. If Dcomcnfg.exe is being run on the server machine, always select "Run Application On This Computer."
  3. If you will be setting other properties for this application, choose the Apply button to apply the new location. Choose OK if you are finished setting properties for this application and you wish to apply the changes.