Functions to Support Compatibility

The following functions enable applications to determine whether an object class is from OLE 1, and to support conversion between OLE 1 and OLE 2 storage formats.

OLE 1 Compatibility Functions Description
CoIsOle1Class Determines if a given CLSID represents an OLE 1 object.
OleConvertIStorageToOLESTRAM Converts the specified storage object from OLE 2 structured storage to the OLE 1 storage model.
OleConvertIStorageToOLESTREAMEx Converts the specified storage object from OLE 2 structured storage to the OLE 1 storage model.
OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorage Converts the specified object from the OLE 1 storage model to an OLE 2 structured storage object.
OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorageEx Converts the specified object from the OLE 1 storage model to an OLE 2 structured storage object.