Using IConnectionPointContainer

A connectable object implements IConnectionPointContainer (and exposes it through QueryInterface) to indicate the existence of outgoing interfaces. For each outgoing interface, the connectable object manages a connection point sub-object which itself implements IConnectionPoint. The connectable object therefore contains the connection points, hence the naming of IConnectionPointContainer and IConnectionPoint.

Through IConnectionPointContainer, a client can perform two operations. First, if the client already has the IID for an outgoing interface that it supports, it can locate the corresponding connection point for the IID using FindConnectionPoint. The client cannot query for the connection point directly because of the container/contained relationship between the connectable object and its contained connection points. In essence, FindConnectionPoint is the QueryInterface for outgoing interfaces when the IID is known to the client.

Second, the client can enumerate all connection points within the connectable object through IConnectionPointContainer::EnumConnectionPoints. This method returns an IEnumConnectionPoints interface pointer for a separate enumerator object. Through IEnumConnectionPoints::Next the client can obtain IConnectionPoint interface pointers to each connection point.

Once the client obtains the IConnectionPoint interface, it must call IConnectionPoint::GetConnectionInterface to determine the IID of the outgoing interface supported by each connection point. If the client already supports that outgoing interface, it can establish a connection. Otherwise, it may still be able to support the outgoing interface using information from the connectable object's type library to provide support at run-time. This technique requires that the connectable object support the IProvideClassInfo interface as described below.

Note  Because the enumerator is a separate object, the client must call IEnumConnectionPoints::Release when the enumerator is no longer needed.

In addition, each connection point is an object with a separate reference count from the containing connectable object. Therefore, the client must also call IConnectionPoint::Release for each connection point accessed through either the enumerator or through FindConnectionPoint.