The OLERENDER enumeration constants are used in the various object creation functions to indicate the type of caching requested for the newly created object.

typedef enum tagOLERENDER 
    OLERENDER_NONE      = 0; 
    OLERENDER_DRAW      = 1; 
    OLERENDER_ASIS      = 3 


The client is not requesting any locally cached drawing or data retrieval capabilities in the object. The pFormatEtc parameter of the calls is ignored when this value is specified for the renderopts parameter.
The client will draw the content of the object on the screen (a NULL target device) using IViewObject:Draw. The object itself determines the data formats that need to be cached. With this render option, only the ptd and dwAspect members of pFormatEtc are significant, since the object may cache things differently depending on the parameter values. However, pFormatEtc can legally be NULL here, in which case the object is to assume the display target device and the DVASPECT_CONTENT aspect.
The client will pull one format from the object using IDataObject::GetData(). The format of the data to be cached is passed in pFormatEtc, which may not in this case be NULL.
The client is not requesting any locally cached drawing or data retrieval capabilities in the object. pFormatEtc is ignored for this option. The difference between this and the OLERENDER_FORMAT value is important in such functions as OleCreateFromData() and OleCreateLinkFromData().


  Windows NT: Use version 3.1 and later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 and later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in oleidl.h.

See Also

OleCreate, OleCreateFromData, OleCreateFromFile, OleCreateLink, OleCreateLinkFromData, OleCreateLinkToFile, OleCreateStaticFromData