Provides the caller with a means to turn text string into a moniker such that the caller does not have to interpret the name in any way itself. In many cases, the implementation of IBindHost::CreateMoniker will simply call MkParseDisplayNameEx, but this method gives the implementor of IBindHost a chance to catch host-specific strings that MkParseDisplayNameEx would not otherwise recognize. Specifically, IBindHost::CreateMoniker should resolve relative path names into absolute pathnames when interpreting the pszName.
HRESULT CreateMoniker(
LPOLESTR pszName, //Pointer to the string to parse
IMoniker ** ppmk //Address of output variable that receives the
// IMoniker interface pointer
E_NOTIMPL is not allowed — a bind host is responsible for providing moniker parsing services.
Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
Windows: Unsupported.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in urlmon.h.