
The IDropTarget interface is one of the interfaces you implement to provide drag-and-drop operations in your application. It contains methods used in any application that can be a target for data during a drag-and-drop operation. A drop-target application is responsible for:

The IDropTarget interface contains methods that handle all these responsibilities except registering and revoking the application window as a drop target, for which you must call the RegisterDragDrop and the RevokeDragDrop functions.

When to Implement

Implement the IDropTarget interface if you are developing an application that can act as a target for a drag-and-drop operation. The IDropTarget interface is associated with your application windows and is implemented on your window objects. Call the RegisterDragDrop function to register your window objects as drop targets.

When to Use

You do not call the methods of IDropTarget directly. The DoDragDrop function calls the IDropTarget methods during the drag-and-drop operation.

For example, DoDragDrop calls IDropTarget::DragEnter when it detects the mouse has moved over a window that is registered as a drag target. Once the mouse has entered a drag-target window, DoDragDrop calls IDropTarget::DragOver as the mouse moves through the window and calls IDropTarget::DragLeave if the mouse leaves the target window or if the user cancels or completes the drag-and-drop operation. DoDragDrop calls IDropTarget::Drop if the drop finally occurs.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments reference count.
Release Decrements reference count.

IDropTarget Methods Description
DragEnter Determines whether a drop can be accepted and its effect if it is accepted.
DragOver Provides target feedback to the user through the DoDragDrop function.
DragLeave Causes the drop target to suspend its feedback actions.
Drop Drops the data into the target window.


  Windows NT: Use version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in oleidl.h.

See Also

DoDragDrop, IDropSource, RegisterDragDrop, RevokeDragDrop