
Gets the entire list of access rights and/or the owner and group for the specified object.

HRESULT GetAllAccessRights(
  LPWSTR lpProperty,  //Name of the property
  PACTRL_ACCESSW  * ppAccessList,
                      //Address of output variable that receives a 
                      // pointer to the ACTRL_ACCESSW structure
  PTRUSTEEW * ppOwner, //Address of output variable that receives a 
                      // pointer to the owner's TRUSTEEW structure
  PTRUSTEEW * ppGroup  //Address of output variable that receives a 
                      // pointer to the group's TRUSTEEW structure


[in] Name of the property.
[out] Address of PACTRL_ACCESSW pointer variable that receives a pointer to the access list structure. May be NULL. If this parameter is not NULL and the call succeeds, the caller must free the allocated memory with CoTaskMemFree. Note that the memory is allocate(all_nodes), which means that all the sub-structures are allocated in one block. Therefore, the entire data structure must be freed by a single call to CoTaskMemFree.
[out] Address of PTRUSTEEW pointer variable that receives a pointer to the owner's TRUSTEEW structure. If this parameter is not NULL and the function succeeds, the caller must free the memory with CoTaskMemFree.
[out] Address of PTRUSTEEW pointer variable that receives a pointer to the group's TRUSTEEW structure. If this parameter is not NULL and the function succeeds, the caller must free the memory with CoTaskMemFree.


The ACTRL_ACCESSW structure is described in IAccessControl::GrantAccessRights.


  Windows NT: Use version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Available as a Windows 95 redistributable.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in oleext.h.

See Also

IAccessControl::GrantAccessRights, IAccessControl::SetAccessRights