[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Returns an enumerator for the packages defined in the class store.
HRESULT GetPackagesEnum(
REFCLSID guidClsid, //Specifies the applications that implement
// the CLSID.
LPOLESTR pszVendor, //Specifies the vendor for the package.
CSPLATFORM Platform, //The platform for the package.
DWORD dwContext, //The execution context for the package.
LCID Locale, //The locale for the package.
IEnumPackage** pPackageList //Pointer to the location in which to return an IEnumPackage interface.
Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
Windows: Unsupported.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in objidl.h.
IClassAdmin::NewClass, IClassAdmin::DeleteClass, IClassAdmin::NewInterface, IClassAdmin::DeleteInterface, IClassAdmin::DeletePackage, IClassAdmin::GetClassesEnum, IClassAdmin::GetClassDetails, IClassAdmin::GetIidDetails, IClassAdmin::GetPackageDetails