Initializes the filtering session.
ULONG grfFlags, //Initialization settings from IFILTER_INIT
ULONG cAttributes, //Size of array of requested attributes
FULLPROPSPEC const * aAttributes,
//Array requested attributes
DWORD * pdwFlags //Information on additional attributes
If the interface is successfully initialized, calls to other IFilter methods can be made. Once a successful call has been made to Init, the object must appear frozen from the point of view of the caller The object remains frozen until the filter object is released.
Multiple calls to Init reset the state of the filter object. The content filter is re-positioned to the beginning of the object and the object state is frozen. Chunk identifiers must remain consistent across multiple calls to Init with the same parameters
For some implementations of IFilter, it may not be possible (or it may be computationally expensive) to detect failure to access a document until Init has been called, or possibly even later.
Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
Windows: Unsupported.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in filter.h.