
Retrieves non-text attribute values from a chunk.

SCODE GetValue(
  PROPVARIANT ** ppPropValue  //Address of output variable that 
                              //receives a pointer to the PROPVARIANT 


[out] Address of PROPVARIANT* pointer variable that receives a pointer to the PROPVARIANT structure containing non-text attribute values.

Return Values

GetValue has already been called on this chunk; this value should be returned until GetChunk has been called successfully and advanced to the next chunk.
The current chunk does not contain a non-text attribute value. Note that the effect of emitting the same value from more than one chunk is undefined.


GetValue should be called only once per chunk.

The PROPVARIANT structure must be allocated with CoTaskMemAlloc. Some PROPVARIANT structures contain pointers, which can be freed by calling PropVariantClear. It is up to the caller of GetValue to call PropVariantClear.


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in filter.h.

See Also

CoTaskMemAlloc, IFilter::GetText, STAT_CHUNK, IFilter::GetChunk