
Retrieves strings that identify the hyperlink target and the location within the hyperlink target.

HRESULT GetStringReference(
  DWORD dwWhichRef,     //Absolute or relative reference
  LPWSTR * ppwzTarget,  //Receives the string that helps identify 
                        //the hyperlink target
  LPWSTR * ppwzLocation //Receives the location portion of the 
                        //hyperlink target


[in] Value from the HLINKGETREF enumeration specifying whether to get the absolute or relative reference to the hyperlink target.
[out] On return, points to a string that helps identify the hyperlink target of the hyperlink reference. If NULL, the caller is not interested in the target string of the hyperlink reference.
[out] On return, points to the location portion of the hyperlink reference. If NULL, the caller is not interested in the location portion of the hyperlink reference.

Return Values

Indicates the target and location strings of the hyperlink target have been successfully supplied.


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in hlink.h.

See Also

IHlink::GetMonikerReference, HLINKGETREF, HlinkNavigateToStringReference, HlinkSimpleNavigateToString