
Retrieves an object previously registered in the browse context. If the object referred to by pimk is not registered in the browse context, then IHlinkBrowseContext::GetObject binds to the full moniker and retrieves the object if the following conditions are met: 1) fBindlfRootRegistered is set to TRUE; 2) the moniker is referring to an embedded object (the moniker pimk is a generic composite moniker); and, 3) the root object of the containment hierarchy is registered with the browse context.

HRESULT GetObject(
  IMoniker * pimk,    //Moniker interface pointer of the object 
                      //being retrieved
  BOOL fBindIfRootRegistered,
                      //Determines binding to the moniker and 
                      //retrieval of the object
  IUnknown ** ppiunk  //Address of output variable that receives the 
                      //IUnknown interface pointer


[in,unique] Identifies the object being retrieved.
[in] If set to TRUE, IHlinkBrowseContext::GetObject binds to the moniker and retrieves the object (if the object referred to by pimk is not registered in the browse context).
[out] Address of IUnknown* pointer variable that receives the interface pointer to the object being retrieved.

Return Values

Indicates the previously registered object has been retrieved.
Indicates no object indicated by pmk was registered in the browse context.


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in hlink.h.

See Also
