
The IOleControl interface provides the features for supporting keyboard mnemonics (GetControlInfo, OnMnemonic), ambient properties (OnAmbientPropertyChange), and events (FreezeEvents) in control objects.

When to Implement

Implement this interface for a control object to communicate with the control's container, for example, when managing keyboard activity or obtaining the container's ambient properties.

When to Use

A control container uses this interface to work with keyboard mnemonics, ambient properties, and events of a contained control object.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments reference count.
Release Decrements reference count.

IOleControl Methods Description
GetControlInfo Fills in a CONTROLINFO structure with information about the control's keyboard behavior.
OnMnemonic Informs the control that the user has pressed a keystroke that the control specified through GetControlInfo. The control takes whatever action is appropriate for the keystroke.
OnAmbientPropertyChange Informs an control that one or more of the container's ambient properties has changed.
FreezeEvents Indicates whether or not the container ignores or accepts events from the control.


  Windows NT: Use version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in ocidl.h.

See Also

IOleControlSite, ISimpleFrameSite