
Retrieves the moniker identifying the link source of a linked object.

HRESULT GetSourceMoniker(
  IMoniker **ppmk  //Address of output variable that receives the 
                   // IMoniker interface pointer


[out] Address of IMoniker* pointer variable that receives the interface pointer to an absolute moniker that identifies the link source. When successful, the implementation must call IUnknown::AddRef on *ppmk; it is the caller's responsibility to call IUnknown::Release. If an error occurs the implementation must set *ppmk to NULL.

Return Values

The moniker was returned successfully.
No moniker is available.


Notes to Callers

Your container application can call IOleLink::GetSourceMoniker to display the current source of a link in the Links dialog box. Note that this requires your container to use the IMoniker::GetDisplayName method to get the display name of the moniker. If you'd rather get the display name directly, your container can call IOleLink::GetSourceDisplayName instead of IOleLink::GetSourceMoniker.

If you use the OleUIEditLinks function to display the Links dialog box, you must implement the IOleUILinkContainer interface. The dialog box calls your implementations of IOleUILinkContainer::GetLinkSource to get the string it should display. Your implementation of that method can call IOleLink::GetSourceMoniker.

Notes on Provided Implementation

The linked object stores both an absolute and a relative moniker for the link source. If the relative moniker is non-NULL and a moniker is available for the compound document, IOleLink::GetSourceMoniker returns the moniker created by composing the relative moniker onto the end of the compound document's moniker. Otherwise, it returns the absolute moniker or, if an error occurs, NULL.

The container specifies the absolute moniker when it calls one of the OleCreateLink functions to create a link. The application can call IOleLink::SetSourceMoniker or IOleLink::SetSourceDisplayName to change the absolute moniker. In addition, the linked object automatically updates the monikers whenever it successfully binds to the link source, or when it is bound to the link source and it receives a rename notification through the IAdviseSink::OnRename method.


  Windows NT: Use version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in oleidl.h.

See Also

IOleLink::SetSourceDisplayName, IOleLink::SetSourceMoniker