
Gets the conversion information associated with the specified object.

HRESULT GetConvertInfo(
  DWORD dwObject,  //Unique 32-bit object identifier
  CLSID FAR * lpClassID,
                   //Pointer to location of CLSID of the object
  WORD FAR *lpwFormat,
                   //Pointer to clipboard format of the object
  CLSID FAR * lpConvertDefaultClassID,
                   //Pointer to default class to convert object to
  LPCLSID FAR * lplpClsidExclude,
                   //Address of output variable that receives a 
                   // pointer to an array of excluded CLSIDs
  UINT FAR * lpcClsidExclude
                   //Pointer to output variable that receives the 
                   // number of CLSIDs in the array of excluded CLSIDs


[in] Unique 32-bit identifier for the object.
[out] Pointer to the location to return the object's CLSID.
[out] Pointer to the clipboard format of the object.
[out] Pointer to the default class, selected from the UI, to convert the object to.
[out] Address of LPCLSID pointer variable that receives a pointer to an array of CLSIDs that should be excluded from the UI for this object. If lpcClsidExclude is zero, then *lplpClsidExclude is set to NULL.
[out] Address of an output variable that receives the number of CLSIDs at *lplpClsidExclude. May be zero.

Return Values

This method supports the standard return values E_FAIL, E_INVALIDARG, and E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following:

Successfully returned link information.
Insufficient access permissions.


Notes To Implementers

You must fill in the CLSID of the object at a minimum. lpwFormat may be left at zero if the format of the storage is unknown.


  Windows NT: Use version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in oledlg.h.