Queries the object for the status of one or more commands generated by user interface events.
[input_sync] HRESULT QueryStatus(
const GUID *pguidCmdGroup,
// Pointer to command group
ULONG cCmds, // Number of commands in prgCmds array
OLECMD *prgCmds, // Array of commands
OLECMDTEXT *pCmdText // Pointer to name or status of command
This method supports the standard return values E_FAIL and E_UNEXPECTED, as well as the following:
Callers use IOleCommandTarget::QueryStatus to determine which commands are supported by a target object. The caller can then disable unavailable commands that would otherwise be routed to the object. The caller can also use this method to get the name or status of a single command.
The caller passes an array of OLECMD structures in prgCmds that describe the commands of interest from the group specified in pguidCmdGroup, where each structure's cmdID is set to a command identifier and the cmdf field is set to zero.
The object receiving the call the fills the cmdf field for each command with values taken from the OLECMDF enumeration to describe the status of each command.
The called object should first mark the command as described above. Then, if the command is supported (OLECMDF_SUPPORTED) the object should check the OLECMDTEXTF flags in the OLECMDTEXT structure. If the OLECMDFTEXF_NAME flag is specified, then the object should copy the localized name of the command (for example, "Open", "Copy", etc.) into the rgwz field of OLECMDTEXT, paying attention to the size specified by the cwBuf field in that same structure.
If the caller sets the OLECMDFTEXTF_STATUS flag, the object should instead write a localized status string for the command into the rgwz field. The status string is typically contextual and depends on the state of the command—enabled/disabled, for example. If the buffer is not big enough, then the object should zero-terminate the buffer. Whether the buffer is big enough or not, the object must return the total actual size of the string that it attempted to copy in the cwActual member of the OLECMDTEXT structure.
If the command array contains more than one command, the textual information should be returned for the first command in the array that the object supports. Typically, this functionality is used to show the status text of a command. The caller can use either a stack or a global variable for rgwz, because memory for this parameter is not dynamically allocated.
Because QueryStatus is defined with the [input_sync] attribute, the implementing object cannot yield or make another non input_sync RPC call while executing it.
A command target must implement this function; E_NOTIMPL is not an acceptable return value.
Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
Windows: Unsupported.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in docobj.h.