
Deletes a previously established advisory connection.

HRESULT Unadvise(
  DWORD dwConnection  //Value identifying an established advisory 
                      // connection


[in] Contains a nonzero DWORD previously returned by IOleAdviseHolder::Advise in pdwConnection.

Return Values

Advisory connection deleted successfully.
The dwConnection parameter does not represent a valid advisory connection.


IOleAdviseHolder::Unadvise is intended to be used to implement IOleObject::Unadvise to delete an advisory connection. In general, you would use the OLE advise holder having obtained a pointer through a call to CreateOleAdviseHolder.

Normally, containers call this method at shutdown or when an object is deleted. In certain cases, containers could call this method on objects that are running but not currently visible, as a way of reducing the overhead of maintaining multiple advisory connections.


  Windows NT: Use version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in oleidl.h.

See Also

IOleAdviseHolder::Advise, IOleAdviseHolder::EnumAdvise, IOleObject::Unadvise