
Notifies the object when the container's top-level frame window is activated or deactivated.

HRESULT OnFrameWindowActivate(
  BOOL fActivate  //State of container's top-level window


[in] State of the container's top-level frame window. TRUE if the window is activating; FALSE if it is deactivating.

Return Value

The method notified the object successfully.


Notes to Callers

The container must call IOleInPlaceActiveObject::OnFrameWindowActivate when the container's top-level frame window is either being activated or deactivated and the object is the current, active object for the frame.

Note  While executing IOleInPlaceActiveObject::OnFrameWindowActivate, do not make calls to the Windows PeekMessage or GetMessage functions, or a dialog box. Doing so may cause the system to deadlock. There are further restrictions on which OLE interface methods and functions can be called from within OnFrameWindowActivate.


  Windows NT: Use version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in oleidl.h.

See Also

PeekMessage, GetMessage in Win32