
The IOleUIObjInfo interface is implemented by containers and used by the container's Object Properties dialog box and by the Convert dialog box. It provides information used by the General and View pages of the Object Properties dialog box , which display information about the object's size, location, type, and name. It also allows the object to be converted via the Convert dialog box. The View page allows the object's icon to be modified from its original form, and its display aspect to be changed (iconic versus content). Optionally, you can have your implementation of this interface allow the scale of the object to be changed.

When To Implement

You must implement this interface so your container application can support the OleUIObjectProperties function and the dialog box that it implements.

When To Use

Use this interface when you need to get and set information required by the Object Properties dialog box , and to support the Convert dialog box.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns a pointer to a specified interface.
AddRef Increments the reference count.
Release Decrements the reference count.

IOleUILinkContainer Methods Description
GetNextLink Enumerates the links in the container.
SetLinkUpdateOptions Sets update options.
GetLinkUpdateOptions Determines current update options for the link.
SetLinkSource Changes the source of the link.
GetLinkSource Returns Links dialog box information about link.
OpenLinkSource Opens a link's source.
UpdateLink Forces a link to connect to its source and update.
CancelLink Breaks the link.

IOleUIObjInfo Methods Description
GetObjectInfo Gets general information about the object.
GetConvertInfo Gets information that is used for the Convert dialog box.
ConvertObject Converts the object once the user selects a destination type.
GetViewInfo Gets the current icon, aspect, and scale of the object.
SetViewInfo Sets the current icon, aspect, and scale of the object.


  Windows NT: Use version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in oledlg.h.

See Also
