
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Returns the current path of a link source using the track file object created by the ITrackFile::CreateFromPath method.

HRESULT Resolve(
  DWORD * pcbPath,                //Size of buffer
  OLECHAR * poszPath,             //Buffer that receives path
  DWORD dwMillisecondTimeout      //Timeout


[in, out] On input, contains the size of the buffer pointed to by poszPath. On output, contains the size of the actual string in poszPath. If the input buffer is not large enough, then the value pointed to by pcbPath indicates the required size.
[out] Address of an OLECHAR variable that receives the current path of the link source.
[in] Specifies the maximum amount of time which should be spent determining the link source's current path. This timeout is interpreted as a suggestion, and the actual amount of time spent by this method may exceed this limit.


This method returns the current path of a link source. This method can only be called after first calling ITrackFile::CreateFromPath, or after loading a previously stored link using an IPersist interface.


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in trkcom.h.

See Also

ITrackFile::CreateFromPath, IPersistStream, IPersistMemory