URL Moniker API Functions
URL Moniker API Functions insulate developers from the complexities of creating, managing, and using URL Monikers. These monikers, which are fully described in the OLE Programmer's Reference for the ActiveX Development Kit, are as follows:CreateURLMoniker, IsValidURL, RegisterMediaTypes, CreateFormatEnumerator, RegisterFormatEnumerator, RevokeFormatEnumerator, RegisterMediaTypeClass, FindMediaTypeClass, GetClassFileOrMime, UrlMkSetSessionOption.
Your familiarity with these API can be as follows:
Be Familiar with CreateURLMoniker and IsValidURL if you will be using URL monikers in stand-alone applications:. If you are authoring an ActiveX Control, you should use IBindHost::CreateMoniker instead of CreateURLMoniker.
Be familiar with RegisterMediaTypes, CreateFormatEnumerator, RegisterFormatEnumerator, RevokeFormatEnumerator if you will be performing any MIME negotiation with URL monikers.
Be familiar with RegisterMediaTypeClass, FindMediaTypeClass, GetClassFileOrMime, UrlMkSetSessionsOption only if you have significant experience with both URL monikers and COM.