
Specifies the default and main data formats supported by an application.

Registry Entry

\DefaultFile = <
n = <default formats for EnumFormatEt>

Value Entries

<default file/object format>
Specifies the default, main file or object format for objects of this class.
<default formats for EnumFormatEtc>
Specifies a list of formats for default implementations of EnumFormatEtc, where <n> is a zero-based integer index. For example, <n> = <format ,aspect, medium, flag>, where format is a clipboard format, aspect is one or more members of DVASPECT, medium is one or more members of TYMED, and flag is one or more members of DATADIR.


Information associated with this entry is used by: IDataObject::GetData, IDataObject::SetData and IDataObject::EnumFormatEtc methods.

The values defined in the following example entry are CF_TEXT, DVASPECT_CONTENT, TYMED_HGLOBAL, and DATADIR_GET | DATADIR_SET.

    \DataFormats\GetSet\0 = 1,1,1,3 

The values defined in the following entry are: CF_METAFILEPICT DVASPECT_CONTENT, TYMED_MFPICT, DATADIR_GET.

    \DataFormats\GetSet\1 = 3,1,32,1 

The values defined in the following entry are: 2 = cfEmbedSource, DVASPECT_CONTENT, TYMED_ISTORAGE, and DATADIR_GET.

    \DataFormats\GetSet\2 = Embed Source,1,8,1 

The values defined in the following entry are: 3 = cfOutline, DVASPECT_CONTENT, TYMED_HGLOBAL, and DATADIR_GET | DATADIR_SET.

    \DataFormats\GetSet\3 = Outline,1,1,3 

The following entry declares that the default File Format supported by this application is CF_OUTLINE.

    \DataFormats\DefaultFile = Outline 

See Also

IDataObject::GetData, IDataObject::SetData, IDataObject::EnumFormatEtc