The client of an asynchronous moniker provides the BINDINFO structure and returns it to the asynchronous moniker when the moniker calls the client's IBindStatusCallback::GetBindInfo method. The BINDINFO structure provides additional information for the requested binding operation. The meaning of this structure is specific to the type of asynchronous moniker. The technical specification provided here describes the meaning of the structure when used for URL monikers.
typedef struct tagBINDINFO {
ULONG cbSize;
LPWSTR szExtraInfo;
STGMEDIUM stgmedData;
DWORD grfBindInfoF;
DWORD dwBindVerb;
LPWSTR szCustomVerb;
DWORD cbStgmedData;
Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
Windows: Unsupported.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in urlmon.h.
BINDINFOF, BINDVERB, IBindStatusCallback::GetBindInfo