
The IsValidCertificate method checks the validity of a certificate. The validity is checked by verifying the certificate against the CA key, and then checking that the certificate has not been revoked.

[VB] long IsValidCertificate(
  BSTR strConfig,       
  BSTR strSerialNumber  
[JAVA] int IsValidCertificate(
  java.lang.String strConfig,       
  java.lang.String strSerialNumber  
[C++] HRESULT IsValidCertificate(
  BSTR const strConfig,        // in
  BSTR const strSerialNumber,  // in
  LONG *pDisposition           // out, return value


[VB][JAVA][C++] strConfig
Points to a valid configuration string for the certificate server. See ICertConfig::GetConfig.
[VB][JAVA][C++] strSerialNumber
Specifies the serial number identifying the certificate to be reviewed. The string must specify the serial number as an even number of hexadecimal digits. If necessary, a zero may be prepended to the number to achieve an even number of digits. No more than one leading zero may be used.
[C++] pDisposition
Points to the return value. See Return Values.

Return Values

Returns a value specifying the disposition of the certificate. The following are possible values that specify the disposition.

Name Description
CA_DISP_INCOMPLETE Call did not complete
CA_DISP_ERROR Call failed
CA_DISP_REVOKED Certificate revoked
CA_DISP_VALID Certificate still valid
CA_DISP_INVALID Certificate never issued
CA_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION Taken under submission


  Windows NT: Requires version 5.0 or later (or version 4.0 with the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack).
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in certadm.h.
  Import Library: Use certidl.lib.