[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The Skip method skips a specified number of columns in the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN enumeration sequence.
[VB] Skip(
Long celt
[JAVA] Skip(
int celt
[C++] HRESULT Skip(
LONG celt // in
[C++] The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates success. A return value of E_INVALIDARG indicates that a negative value for celt caused the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN object's index to become less than zero.
Upon successful completion of this function, the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN object will have skipped celt columns in the enumeration sequence. To access the column contents after a call to the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN Skip method, call the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN Next method.
The IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN object maintains an internal value representing the zero-based index of the column to be accessed when the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN Next method is called. A call to the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN Skip method causes this index to increase by celt if celt is positive, or to decrease by celt if celt is negative.
Negative values for celt are validated, and this function will fail if celt causes the index to be less than zero.
Positive values for celt are not validated, but if a positive value for celt causes the internal value to exceed the index for the last column in the enumeration sequence, a subsequent call to the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN Next method will fail.
LONG Index;
// pEnumCol is previously instantiated IEnumCERTVIEWColumn object
// skip the next 5 columns
hr = pEnumCol->Skip( 5 );
if ( S_OK == hr )
// get the next column
hr = pEnumCol->Next( &Index );
if ( S_OK == hr )
// do something with this column
Windows NT: Requires version 5.0 or later.
Windows: Unsupported.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in certview.h.
Import Library: Use certidl.lib.