[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN interface is used to access the data columns of a row in the Certificate Server's view. An IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN interface is instantiated through a call to the ICertView EnumCertViewColumn method, the IEnumCERTVIEWROW EnumCertViewColumn method,or the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN Clone method.

The following methods are provided by the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN interface.

Method Description
Clone Creates a copy of the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN object.
GetMaxLength Retrieves the maximum allowable length for the column data.
GetName Retrieves the name of the column.
GetType Retrieves the data type of the column.
GetValue Retrieves the data value of the column.
IsIndexed Reports whether column is indexed.
Next Positions the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN object to the next column.
Reset Resets the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN enumeration sequence to the beginning.
Skip Skips a specified number of columns in the IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN enumeration sequence.