DCOM samples in the Win32 SDK. 

OLEIMP -- The OLEIMP sample demonstrates a method for emulating auto
impersonation of clients.

SIMPLE -- The SIMPLE sample demonstrates the minimum requirements to use
a COM object, whether it is on the same machine or on a different
machine. This sample consists of a client and a server portion.

SECURE -- The SECURE sample consists of a client portion and a server
portion. Its purpose is to demonstrate client-side and server-
side security in a Distributed COM application.

COMPERF -- The COMPERF sample demonstrates the performance of DCOM in
several different programming scenarios.

DCOMPERM -- The DCOMPERM sample provides source code and several wrapper
functions to simplify the process of manipulating the access
and launch permissions for a COM server. Additionally, this
sample provides code which demonstrates how to set and retrieve
the RunAs password for a COM server.
(sample located in \mstools\samples\win32\winnt\security\dcomperm)