* Object implementation using contained interface classes
* Copyright (c)1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
* Kraig Brockschmidt, Microsoft
* Internet : kraigb@microsoft.com
* Compuserve: >INTERNET:kraigb@microsoft.com

#include <windows.h>
#include "query.h"

//Message strings for the interface functions
static TCHAR szMessage[]=TEXT("Message from ISampleOne::GetMessage");
static TCHAR szString[] =TEXT("Message from ISampleTwo::GetString");

* CreateObject2
* Purpose:
* Creates an instance of Object2 returning an IUnknown
* interface.
* Parameters:
* ppUnk IUnknown ** in which to return the
* interface pointer.
* Return Value:
* BOOL TRUE if the function is successful,
* FALSE otherwise.

BOOL CreateObject2(IUnknown **ppUnk)
CObject2 *pObj;

if (NULL==ppUnk)
return FALSE;

//Create the new object, which gives us a C++ object pointer
pObj=new CObject2();

if (NULL==pObj)
return FALSE;

* Now get the IUnknown interface to this object and make
* sure that it's reference count is correct. We could either
* typecast pObj to IUnknown and call AddRef explicitly, or
* we can simply call pObj->QueryInterface and let it do the
* typecast and the AddRef for us.
hr=pObj->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (PPVOID)ppUnk);
return SUCCEEDED(hr);

* CObject2::CObject2
* CObject2::~CObject2
* Constructor Parameters:
* None

: m_ImpISampleOne(this), m_ImpISampleTwo(this)

//Interfaces cleaned up automatically

* CObject2::QueryInterface
* Purpose:
* Manages the interfaces for this object which supports the
* IUnknown, ISampleOne, and ISampleTwo interfaces.
* Parameters:
* riid REFIID of the interface to return.
* ppv PPVOID in which to store the pointer.
* Return Value:
* interface is not supported.

STDMETHODIMP CObject2::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv)
//Always NULL the out-parameters

* IUnknown comes from CObject2. Note that here we do not need
* to explicitly typecast the object pointer into an interface
* pointer because the vtables are identical. If we had
* additional virtual member functions in the object, we would
* have to cast in order to set the right vtable. This is
* demonstrated in the multiple-inheritance version, CObject3.
if (IID_IUnknown==riid)

//Other interfaces come from contained classes
if (IID_ISampleOne==riid)

if (IID_ISampleTwo==riid)

if (NULL==*ppv)
return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);

//AddRef any interface we'll return.
return NOERROR;

* CObject2::AddRef
* CObject2::Release
* Reference counting members. When Release sees a zero count
* the object destroys itself.

DWORD CObject2::AddRef(void)
return ++m_cRef;

DWORD CObject2::Release(void)
if (0!=--m_cRef)
return m_cRef;

delete this;
return 0;

//CObject2::CImpISampleOne interface implementation

//Constructor/destructor inline in object2.h

* CObject2::CImpISampleOne::QueryInterface
* CObject2::CImpISampleOne::AddRef
* CObject2::CImpISampleOne::Release
* IUnknown members that delegate to m_pObj

STDMETHODIMP CObject2::CImpISampleOne::QueryInterface(REFIID riid
, PPVOID ppv)
return m_pObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);

DWORD CObject2::CImpISampleOne::AddRef(void)
* We maintain an "interface reference count" for debugging
* purposes, because the client of an object should match
* AddRef and Release calls through each interface pointer.
return m_pObj->AddRef();

DWORD CObject2::CImpISampleOne::Release(void)
* m_cRef is again only for debugging. It doesn't affect
* CObject2 although the call to m_pObj->Release does.
return m_pObj->Release();

* CObject2::CImpISampleOne::GetMessage
* Purpose:
* Returns a string to the caller.
* Parameters:
* psz LPTSTR in which to store the string.
* cch UINT size of psz.
* Return Value:
* HRESULT NOERROR if the string is stored, E_OUTOFMEMORY
* if the buffer is too small.

STDMETHODIMP CObject2::CImpISampleOne::GetMessage(LPTSTR psz, UINT cch)
if (NULL==psz)
return ResultFromScode(E_POINTER);

if (cch < (UINT)lstrlen(szMessage))
return ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY);

lstrcpy(psz, szMessage);
return NOERROR;

//CObject2::CImpISampleTwo interface implementation

//Constructor/destructor inline in object2.h

* CObject2::CImpISampleTwo::QueryInterface
* CObject2::CImpISampleTwo::AddRef
* CObject2::CImpISampleTwo::Release
* IUnknown members that delegate to m_pObj

STDMETHODIMP CObject2::CImpISampleTwo::QueryInterface(REFIID riid
, PPVOID ppv)
return m_pObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);

DWORD CObject2::CImpISampleTwo::AddRef(void)
* We maintain an "interface reference count" for debugging
* purposes, because the client of an object should match
* AddRef and Release calls through each interface pointer.
return m_pObj->AddRef();

DWORD CObject2::CImpISampleTwo::Release(void)
* m_cRef is again only for debugging. It doesn't affect
* CObject2 although the call to m_pObj->Release does.
return m_pObj->Release();

* CObject2::CImpISampleTwo::GetString
* Purpose:
* Returns a string to the caller.
* Parameters:
* psz LPTSTR in which to store the string.
* cch UINT size of psz.
* Return Value:
* HRESULT NOERROR if the string is stored, E_OUTOFMEMORY
* if the buffer is too small.

STDMETHODIMP CObject2::CImpISampleTwo::GetString(LPTSTR psz, UINT cch)
if (NULL==psz)
return ResultFromScode(E_POINTER);

if (cch < (UINT)lstrlen(szString))
return ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY);

lstrcpy(psz, szString);
return NOERROR;